
Is this an irrational fear of becoming anorexic?

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Just some quick background info, I'm a 5 foot 7 male, 19 years old, and according to my scales, I weight around 11 stone 3 (give or take a couple of pounds).

Now the logical side of me knows that this is well within "normal weight" for my height and age (maybe even edging on overweight according to BMI), but the anxious part of me still worries about not eating properly. My reasoning for this worrying is due to how I look when at a mirror.

When looking at my body, I can see my ribs slightly (more so when I breathe in), and I can't really feel much fat or padding around my chest or legs. Is this normal? I do have a rather small frame for my age, and have never been a muscly person.

Basically, I feel ill quite often, and don't have much energy. Is this all in my head? Am I Imagining these symptoms?

I apologize for the large question(s), but I really needed to get this off my chest and just ask for some advice.

I hope someone has the time to answer. Thanks in advance.





  1. If you're worried that you're TOO thin, then you absolutely do not suffer from anorexia. Anorexia is characterized by distorted body image (i.e. truly believing you're fat when you are thin) and obsessive fear of weight gain.

    It sounds to me like you want to gain weight, which is pretty much the opposite of anorexia.

    The simple solution to your worries about eating properly is to... make sure you eat properly! This is really easy.

    Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, don't forget about fiber, and lay off of snack food. If you feel ill much of the time, why would you want to eat junk food all the time anyway?

  2. I would definately talk to your doctor.  If you're at your proper weight for your height then it's not the weight that's the problem.  You seem very anxious though-and the illness and exhaustion could be symptoms of another problem like depression or a thyroid problem.   I would just go see what the dr has to say, and make sure that you are honest about your concerns.  Make sure to write down everything that bothers you so you remember when you actually go to the appt.  good luck to you

  3. Recovering from Anorexia, I can definitely say that a lot of the problems are mental. Anorexia can be classified in many ways and it is very different for each person. Just you saying that you have doubts may show that you might have some type of eating disorder, whether it's fear of gaining weight in general or fear of becoming unhealthy by eating certain foods. Basically, if you had a reason to ask this question, you're doubting something and may have some form of eating disorder. I would suggest talking to someone about it before it gets worse. Whether you want to talk to your parents, family, friends, or a doctor, it's up to you. Sometimes mental thoughts may turn into symptoms. For example, if you keep telling yourself over and over that you feel sick, you may physically feel sick. The mind and the body work together. If you stop the problems before they start becoming difficult to handle, you'll be helping yourself deal with the issues. Maybe you want to try talking to a friend and then see if they think you should see a doctor. The doctors know what they're doing and can help answer any questions.

    Oh and you can email me if you have any other questions.

  4. Eat more

  5. Whenever you worry about it, eat a piece of fruit, or make a sandwich, then you won't have to worry about it.  

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