
Is this an ok amount of fish for a forty gallon tank?

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can I put all of these fish in a forty gallon tank??

Three Glass Catfish

Three Snails

One African Dwarf Frog

Two Boesemani Rainbow fish

Three Zebra Danios

Two Dwarf Gouramis

Two Upside-Down Catfish




  1. Plenty room vs size wise.

    Though keep an eye on them. Like ANY aquarium setup each fish is different and some have personalities that go against the set standards for the breed. Sometimes good and sometimes bad.

  2. lets break this down.

    A couple of issues right off the bat...

    1) You would want to get a minimun of 3 Upside-Down Catfish and have lots of floating plant cover...they love this...what they really love is smaller your zebra danios...Zebras Danios usually stay on the top of the tank...therefore, these little guys may disappear, but they should get along if everyone is about the same's when your Up/Down Cats grow you will have to watch them a bit.

    2) Two Dwarf Gourami's could be an issue.  Think of Gourami's like you do Betta's...since after all they are part of the same family and similar in nature.  Two male Dwarf Gourami's will cause the more Dominate one to chase the other in submission.  With lots of plant cover, this might work...but you will find they will keep their distance from one another.

    The Glass Catfish should be fine...3-5 is a good number, but in schooling fish like these...the higher the number the better off...I would go with 5.

    Three snails...consider just one to start out with...I like the Mystery Snail...after a little bit get another one...but be warned you could have a few more before you know it.

    One Dwarf African Frog is a good mix...all your fish are big enough, eating fish shouldn't be an issue.  The only issue I see, from experience, is that a 40 Gallon Tank maybe a bit big for him.  He is a slow eater and is not as fast to get to food as the others.  You will probably have to spot feed him, meaning place food right in front of him and make sure the others dont eat it.  I had to do this with my DAF in a 29 Gallon Tank and it became somewhat of a hassle...ended up putting back in the 10 Gallon and he did fine.

    The Bosemani Rainbow fish will be a nice addition, but know they are highly active, like the Danios, and need space to swim.  If this is a tall tank and not a long tank...reconsider these.  These do best in groups of 6 or more.

    To recap and put this together...

    Go with

    1 Dwarf Gourami

    6 Bosemani Rainbows

    5 Glass Cats

    3 Upside Down Cats

    1 Mystery Snail (Black or Golden)

    Ya could start out with 3 Zebra Danios to see how it goes with the Upside Down be honest they should be fine, but as the Up/Down Cats get bigger, they could be targets.

    That's 15-18 fish and a Snail.  With Good filtration...go for a 55 Gallon filter if ya can...may create a little current, but your Glass Catfish will love this.  If ya get a Dwarf African Frog consider putting him in a 2- 10 Gallon Tank.  These guys are not so quick with food and with all the Catfish in there, they may not get a chance for food.  Lots of plant cover and hiding spaces...with some floating plant cover...and you should be fine.

    This will make a great tank.

    Best of Luck!

  3. I would highly recommend less fish. gouramis in particular are aggressive, and will fight for space. Of course, you could try it, just make sure you have lots of caves so they are not fighting over territory. The frog will eat fry, so there is your population control. Good luck.

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