
Is this an ok feeding schedule

by  |  earlier

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5 danios and a couple small bottom feeders

i feed

colour enhancing flake

3 times a day enough to eat in 1 minute

and approx 10 freeze dried bloodworms a day




  1. wow 3 times?? and also bloodworms? thats too much. I feed my fish dry foods once a day 20 seconds worth (the fish eat pretty fast too). And feed the bloodworms as a treat like twice a week as an alternative for the dry foods.

  2. i think ur putting it a bit to much! ur not supposed too fill them up until they explode! lolz

    kinda try to reduce some of the food and itll be fine!

  3. NO are you freakin mad? way to much.  only a pinch of food 1 time a day.  like you are pinching salt for food.  LOL.

    all answers to 2 times per day are wrong.  Ive been in the fish business for over 10 years I know

  4. Holy Moly, If you keep feeding your fish that much, your going to have major probloms in your tank.

    You should be feeding your tropical fish, a small pinch of flake ONCE A DAY AT NIGHTS ONLY, you don't need to feed them three times a day or even twice a day.

    Use this as a guide, The size of the fish's eye is the size of there stomach.

    When fish poo, they produce ammonia into the tank. The more you feed them, the more ammonia goes into the tank.

    Ammonia burns fish. Over feeding is the most common way fish die.

    Cut down your feeding now before you start loosing fish.

    You can feed them some dried blood worms twice a week, but you don't really need to if your feeding them flakes.

  5. Feeding your fish the flakes 3 times a day, no more then they eat in  30 seconds to 1 minute is fine, but no more than that. Bloodworms should only be feed as aa treat 1 or 2 times a week, not everyday. Also, make sure that you are feeding your bottom feeders too. They need sinking wafers or sinking pellets; simply eating algae or the waste from the other fish isn't enough. They need to be fed at least once a day but no more than twice to stay healthy.

    I prefer to feed my fish 2 times a day (morning and night), no more than they eat in about 2 minutes. I remove any food left after that with a net. They get freeze-dried bloodworms and freeze-dried brine shrimp (crushed up because my fish are small like yours) once a week. I also feed my bottom feeders sinking wafers twice a day, but for them you are suppose to wait 1 hour before removing uneaten food because they are slow feeders.

  6. Agree with above.

    I say twice a day of flakes, 2 minutes worth.

    And blood worm only once a week as treat. More than that is too much protein!

    That's basically my cycle. Except that I only feed once on Monday and Thursday.

    Aquarium fishes never die from starvation. They can live for 2 weeks without food, but don't try it. They can easily die from overfeeding, or too much ammonia from waste.

  7. I think that might be a bit much.  The feeding schedule I use personally is I feed my fish twice a day enough food that they can all get some and there is no food visible after two minutes.  You can tell if you're overfeeding your fish because their bellies will bulge and your tank will get dirty faster.  

    I think "only a pinch" is an awkward way to phrase it.  What you really should do is watch your fish's belly.  I can tell the difference between a bulging belly and a normal belly and a starved belly.  Please look at the pictures on the following website that explains how to tell the difference:

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