
Is this an okay punishment?

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So basically I haven't been doing any of my chores, slacking off a bit in school, and today I played hookey and my mom found out about it. She is very strict because she's full on italian. The second she found out about me playing hookey, she flipped. She made me go on my knees and stare at the wall for 3 hours until my knees burned and she thought of a good enough punishment. She spanked me, which SUCKED because I think I'm too old for spanking and she hits for a very long time, very firm. Then she made me run a few miles until I 'learned my lesson'. Next, I had to pretty much clean everything for the rest of the day. I did whatever she said. Clean dishes, scrub the floors, etc. After that, she made me take everything out of my room except my bed (inculding my door) and put it in the basement and I have to earn everything back. After that, she made me write "I won't play hookey" 100 times.

Is this suitable for what I did? I'm 13.




  1. no way.

  2. I know you don't want to hear this but although your punishment was harsh you know your mom loves you because she wants to make sure you don't s***w your life up.  Why not think about the reason that you are allowing your life to go downhill and try to come up with ways to fix what's bothering you. Always remember, no one loves you more than your mom!

  3. LOL

  4. I bet you'll never play hookey again! good for your mother!

  5. Yep I agree she needed to get your attention and it seems to have worked. I would have taken your computer privileges too.

  6. If you feel it's not suitable, don't slack off again.  I think that's why she made the punishment so hard, so you really wouldn't want to do it again.  Obviously, you getting a good education is very important to her, or she wouldn't have reacted that way.  I know at your age you probably think your parents are clueless and you suspect they don't like you at times, but just remember that if she didn't give a c**p about you she wouldn't bother to punish you.  It might be more extreme than what other parents do, but I bet you'll think twice next time.

  7. Yes!!!

  8. That is harsh but different families beleive punishment should be done different ways

  9. Wow Harsh I think u deserved the Writing i won't play hookey a 100 times thing but Staring at the wall harsh!

  10. i guess she accomplished what she wanted....because you probably won't play hookey again

  11. it is harsh on the other hand you probly learned the hard way that playing hooky is not a good thing and will not ever do it again! she got her point across!

  12. WOW!!!! When I get punished i only get a spanking with the belt and the cane sometimes it depends on what I did but that punishment of yours is very harsh but you kind of deserved it dont worry I feel your pain look on my profile and my questions & answers then you can see why i can relate to you I hope this helped!!!!!:]

  13. d**n, that is harsh, my mom got close to doing that befor. when ever me and my brother got in a fight we had to stand in acorner and hug each other for an hour

  14. She could have been more harsh. If we should have learned anything from the time Doctor Spock wrote his awful book on parenting, and from our own justice system it is that SLAP ON THE WRIST PUNISHMENTS will fail 100% of the time. Good for your mom

  15. It is a bit of an awkward approach, but I think you will be glad you didn't get locked up!

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