
Is this an unattractive name?

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What do you think of the names Shailene (Shay-lean), KristaMarie, Aubree, Alexandria, and Emma-lee?

Which do you like best?




  1. Those names are all very pretty.


  2. shailene sounds to me like say is lean

    kristamarie is pretty but i like krista by its self

    aubree is pretty

    alexandria is pretty

    emma-lee sounds like down south girl

    i like alexandria the best  

  3. i like's a beautiful twist on alexandra and is a great city in virginia, 20 minutes from where i live!!

  4. Shailene- Unique

  5. In all honesty, they are all pretty low-rent sounding/looking, with the exception of Alexandria.

    Emma-Lee is still "Emily," no matter how cute you try to get with the spelling.  Shailene sounds like a gum-cracking diner waitress, Krista is nice, but KristaMarie just looks strange, and I have never cared for the name Aubrey, even when it isn't misspelled.

  6. I like Alexandria, but I also like the spelling Alexzandria

  7. I am going to name my future daughter Alexandria.  I love that name.  I also like the name Emma-lee, now that I see it.  

    I'm honestly not too fond of Shailene because kids can be mean in school.  It can either work for the person, or against her.

    Good luck!

  8. i love them all, especially shailene and emmalee

    could you give me your opinion of the names on my profile? please =D

  9. Alexandria and KristaMarie are my favorites out of those names.

  10. I dont like Shailene or Krista Marie...I do like Aubree and Emma, but not Emma-lee.  I love Alexandria, but I prefer it as Alissandra.  

  11. The names aren't bad but some of the spellings are not great.

    Go with Shalene, Aubrey and Emma Lee.  

  12. I'm not really a fan of double names like KristaMarie or Emma-lee. They sound like an attempt to be overly creative. I like the rest.

  13. have a friend her first and middle names are Krista Marie.

    but my fave is Alexandria.

    i like Emma-lee but Emmaleigh i think is prettier.

    or Emma-Grace is cute :)

  14. Shailene is the nicest :)

  15. Shailene is pretty. (makes me think of Shailene Woodley from The Secret Life of the American Teenager).  Alexandria is also pretty and so is Aubree, though I don't care for the spelling.  KristaMarie is just not appealing to me and Emma-lee is sooooo overused, even if the spelling is different.

  16. My favorites are Shailene and Aubree.  They sound very unique, yet stylish and cute.  KristaMarie, Alexandria and Emma-lee sound quite young to me.  Follow whatever your heart says.  

  17. Aubree and Alexandria are alright.

    Krista as a 1st name and Marie as a middle name would be OK.

    If you are going to name her Emily, I would just stick with the traditional spelling and give her a unique middle name.

    I don't like Shailene at all.

  18. I only like Aubree

  19. Shailene is the one i like the best.

  20. Alexandria is the prettiest! I'm not too fond of the others!

  21. How about Jingle Boguts? That keeps the bells ringing all the time.  

  22. I don't like them.  Aubree isn't bad, but spell it Aubrey.

  23. shailene- very feminine, but it sounds like an older name. Not like an old lady name just older, but at the same time names that were popular 15 years ago are popular again!

    kristamaria- I like that, but I think I would like it better if it was krista(first name) and maria ( middle name), that seems more natural, yet still feminine!

    Aubree- I was never really fond of the name, nut I think I like better spelled aubree rather than Aubrey!

    Alexandria- not my favorite. I think that names that can have boy nicknames aren't well suited for girlies:) like calling your baby GIRL alex......maybe I'm just rediculas!

    Emma-lee- LOVE it!!! Its beautiful and super feminine, which as you can tell I like! Have you thought about emmaleigh? You can have a girlie nick name for her like emma, Emmy, or em. How cute:)

    Have you considered a name like rachel or if you want a different spelling what about rachelle? I like it what about you?

      - I hope I helped, let me know!

    hope to hear from you soon!!!

  24. i'm not into make names cute by misspelling them. They look like misspelled names to me. It shows that the parents are morons. Not a good way to set your child up for life

    i like the names alexandria, and aubrey (spelled correctly).

  25. Aubree Shailene would be a great 1st and middle name combo.

  26. i luv the alexandria it is very similar to my name.

    which is alejandra.

  27. I like Emma-lee, and aubree

  28. Alexandria is the best!!!

    I also like Krista Marie (separately)

    Emma-lee - just spell it Emily, too popular though

    Aubree is cute!

    Shailene - yuck

  29. I really like those names!

    Except, personally I'd like these variations of them:

    Shailene, Krista Marie - Same

    Aubree - Aubrey, Aubrie

    Alexandria - Alessandra, Alessandria, Alisandria

    Emma-lee- Emmeline

  30. i think shailene sounds harsh--shayli is cute, but shailene seems a bit orugh around the edges.

    krista marie--alright not my fave names though

    alexandria is the prettiest name from your pick.

  31. Emma-lee is cute and so is Alexandria, KristaMarie would probably grow on me, but i dont like Shailene

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