
Is this another attempt by the white right wing to split the ANC?

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  1. No, it's just more evidence that the ANC is corrupt and evil.

  2. I am so sick of them using the whites as an excuse. Right through the world, black people blame slavery,apartheid and everything else to excuse their barbaric, primitive,iron age culture. Worshipping their ancestors,paying witchdoctors $$$$$ for advice. If we all went to Africa and they all came here we talk again in 50 years.

  3. I've heard politicians called backstabbers before, but that takes the biscuit.

  4. No Chris because then they would have said a WHITE man was arrested. So weird after 1994 the press is not allowed to divulge the race of the criminal, before 1994 you read a white, brown or black man was arrested in connection with the crime, now just "a man"........duh, I wonder why the ANC decided on this new "rule"..................................... I will not be surprised if a right white wing is blamed, I mean that is the motto of the ANC for everything that goes wrong: Blame the White man.

  5. Weeeell, the article does not state that, but perhaps it WAS a white person who stabbed him?

    But, I have read between the lines of the last paragraph:

    "For the last six months we've been talking of unity, we are now at a stage where we must instil discipline"

    and deduct that they are giving up trying to unite white and black citizens (in their lounges at like 2am during a break-in) and are now going to try discipline.  Is that what they are trying to say? Does that mean there is a crime awareness in the startings?

  6. No Chris they will kill them self's just give them enough rope

    Xhosa's is King and the Zulu's must obey

    They took the land with out hassle

    And the Ja stemmers left the country

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