
Is this another example of leftists playing fast and loose with facts to push their agenda?

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Let's spin a yarn to show the "evils" of the logging industry, shall we? Maybe the photographer went to the Jayson Blair school of journalism. Or maybe he wanted really, really bad to get on Oprah to pimp his fraud.

<<The photographer and the agency that released the pictures wanted to make it seem like they were members of a lost tribe in order to call attention to the dangers the logging industry may have on the group.>>




  1. typical of the left.just like global warming.a total of 2% that&#039;s right 2% of green house gases is man made.that is a fact undisputed by both even if we were on ethynol,nuclear,and natural gas world wide .it would drop to!

  2. That has been their way from the beginning.

  3. I didn&#039;t know that.  I will admit being suspicious that a tribe could be hidden until now, even in the deep dark jungle.

    I think I am a cynic.  I find that all sides of the political spectrum play the game of deception, half-truths, distortions, and outright lies to drive people to think the way they want them to.  They even changed the name we call it from propoganda (with the obvious negative connotation) to &quot;spin&quot; and other seemingly less offensive words.

    They wouldn&#039;t do it if it didn&#039;t work.  Sad commentary on us.

  4. I heard about that con job.  That pissed me off.  This isn&#039;t the first we&#039;ve heard of environmentalists with no integrity.

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