
Is this another example of the unbiased reporting on MSNBC?

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At least he didn't have things running up his leg!




  1. No it's not biased. Why isn't it allowed for someone to say they liked a speech just because they are in the media?

  2. It's a view shared by many. McCain makes me laugh ... that's not biased either.

  3. Oh GOD I had to go no further than Huffington Post.  Come on This rag can not even get delivered by a right hand drive car.

  4. MSNBC... trust me I have no desire to ever watch them.  They can't even get along either.

  5. The Huffington Post is not a news site.  Chris Matthews is not a journalist.  In either case one would not expect objectivity.

    While MSNBC is certainly biased, your example is not really proof of such.

  6. That is one of the reasons that I don't watch MSNBC

  7. DO you understand the function of a political pundit?   This was not presented as news, rather opinion.   It is no different than Bill O'Reilly ranting, that creepy little man with the boy tie or even Andy Roonie's rants at the end of 60 minutes.

    I know it is opinion, hopefully you know it is opinion.  There is really no news here.

  8. I trust MSNBC for the truth more than Fox or should iI say Fix news. Bill O is one of the poorest excuses for a human being if there ever was one. and Lou Dobbs on Cnn is just a clown who likes to hear him self talk.  

  9. Oh, yes. MSNBC and The Huffington Post are both great sources for unbiased reporting. HAHAHA

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