
Is this another indication that Palin is bad for McCain and America?

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A new poll suggests that Barack Obama is widening his lead over John McCain in two battleground states but indicates the race is dead even in Ohio, the state that decided the last presidential election.




  1. oh geeze i guess that your extremely left winged only news station gave you this news knowing they are a disgrace to all reporters telling lies and only trying to get everybody to vote obama.

    well i hope obama loses cause he sucks for this country and i will send you a box of tissues cause its obvious that your are going to need it. oh an please lay off the lemons you are becomming quite sour in your answers.

  2. I do not think so. From the perspective of the electoral college, it is still really close and the campaigning has not even begun in earnest.

  3. Palin is doing more than bouncing.........

  4. Palin is just a collateral. The bad for America is McCain.

  5. election day is what matters. not the medias daily hits on ratings.

    Vote your heart and what is best for America and its people. I am not sure how I will vote but, I will give it a good amount of thought, just like everyone should do. I see nothing wrong with any of the candidates as it stands right now. Palin seems like a good lady, and I would like to see a woman in the white house. As far as McCain, the only thing that bugs me about him is his stand on the troops in Iraq. They need to come home now and let the people of Iraq stand on their own. We need to move on. Obama I hope he lives up to all the hype because if he doesnt, it will be bad news for all the black people who feels he is the great black hope. Dont forget he is as much white as he is black and the color of his skin does not mean a hill of beans!! Thats a job I would not want for sure!!

  6. Polls change day to day.  Those number don't mean a lot.

  7. It is very evident that McCain chose Palin to gain votes from women who wanted Hillary to be in office. I believe that the McCain party did not really do enough research on Palin because if they did, there would be no way that she would be the number #1 pick. Palin is in the position that she is in because she is a woman and she has young children. Palin cannot keep her own household in order so there is no way that she can help run America. Palin needs to focus on her 5 kids and step down. Michelle Obama could run circles around her.

  8. No matter how the Republicans try to sugarcoat McCain's selection of Paliln, Americans are not stupid.

    This country has some serious issues.  And we need a President and Vice President who can solve the problems.

    This country and its issues aren't about simply choosing someone who can woo voters.  It's about fixing America.

  9. yes.

    palin is bad for the vp job and bad to lead this country.

  10. Polls are misleading because they use less than 2000 people and assume that they have a representative sample.  They are unreliable at best which is why each poll comes up with different results.

    At the moment Palin is bad for McCain because few people know who she is including the media who has sent hundreds of reporters to Alaska to pry under every rock.  I wonder why they aren't doing that for Biden or even Obama.  Once Palin has the chance to discuss the issues with the people she will show herself as a "true" reformer and not just a lot of fancy speeches about change.

    DARRIN:  I agree with you.  This country has serious issues and needs a President and Vice President that can solve problems.  That is why Obama is wrong for the job.  He has never crossed party lines to solve a problem.  Heck, he only votes on issue about a third of the time.  He isn't about solving problems unless everyone agrees with him.

    TIFFANI:  Michelle Obama wouldn't last a week in Palin's world but Palin has shown she can handle the corrupt politicians of Obama's world just fine.

  11. Media is calling it Obama's "Palin bounce."

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