
Is this another racist hurricane summoned by Bush-Cheney warlocks?

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Is this the dastardly duos final hurrah before leaving?

I'm stunned they can take a break from micromanaging gas prices, laying everbody off, plotting another 9-11, and killing Iraqi civilians to magically summon yet another racist hurricane.




  1. Actually it may be a loving God this time. You'll notice that hurricane coverage will steal the show from the Republican Convention.

  2. Don't worry Obama the great will move that hurricane away hope you know I am being sarcastic.  

  3. They are multitasking

  4. Oh how you suffer at the hands of those meanie libs.  I wonder if they'll go shopping for hats and sit on their hands this time?

  5. I surely hope you are being sarcastic.

    Hurricanes are nature and can't be controlled by man- only by God. If God wants to send a hurricane to New Orleans on the weekend they are having a g*y pride festival so be it.

    However the hurricane isn't even in the gulf of Mexico yet no one has a clue where it is going.

  6. Are you for real?

  7. Sure, why not? They use the tornadoes in Kansas to kill white Bible thumpers and they use hurricanes in Louisiana to kill poor black hedonists.

  8. No it is not, and from the way you're talking you sound 1000 times more intolerant than Bush Cheney combined.

  9. No one is blaming Bush/Cheney for the hurricaines. Their lack of concern for Katrina victims doesn't mean liberals thought they caused it. Is that concept too difficult for you to comprehend?

  10. you wish Bush had that much power. Actually all the crying that the dems are doing are creating a torrential rain pour which will eventually turn into a tsunami tonight and wash the messiah right off the stage

  11. I love the liberal mentality," poor me! poor me! the sky is falling who can I blame for it?"


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