
Is this another reason to stop funding the United Nations? An Islamic charity with ties to Al Qaeda and the T

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UNICEF Partners With Islamic Charity Linked to Terror Groups,2933,366319,00.html

UNICEF= the United Nations’ Children’s Fund.

According to UNICEF, it will be teaming with the charity’s domestic Saudi branch to “promote children’s rights, health, equality and education,” in the oil-rich kingdom — but the organization has been doing more than just charity work.

-Read link..the Saudi "branch" DOES ( INDIRECTLY ) fund the terrorists !

"The U.S. Treasury Department has designated the IIRO’s branches in the Philippines and Indonesia as terrorist entities for funding and supporting terrorist groups that have killed hundreds in East Asia. The Philippine branch was founded by Usama bin Laden’s brother-in-law, Muhammad Jamal Khalifah, and has long had ties to Al Qaeda.

The U.N. itself says that both the Indonesian and Philippine branches of IIRO are tied to Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and has singled them out for an asset freeze, arms embargo and travel ban on mem




  1. I've long been a supporter of a US withdrawal from the UN.  First off, I believe that the UN is a socialist organization created specifically to create parity between nations.  My issue with the UN is that it creates a forum for nations who do not respect law and order, lack respect for individual rights, and commit heinous atrocities towards its citizens as well as the citizens of other nations.  Why in the world would any rational thinking person want to sit down in a forum with those nations <cough, cough, Iran, China, Syria, Pakistan etc> to discuss their grievences with us.  They can't even get it right with their own people, yet they want to discuss their grievences with us?!  It's asanine.  It's like a police officer going to a community meeting to discuss rising levels of crime in the neighborhoods he patrols and gathers the thoughts and ideas of how best to fight crime from the criminals themselves!  It's absurd!

  2. Why not write UNICEF and let them respond to this allegation? Fox News can hardly be called a reliable resource when it comes to reporting about anything related to the UN.

  3. fox news is perhaps the most biast news station in the world the UN is one of the worlds most recognized organisations and fox news are liars any way the biggest funder of  Al Qaeda were the united states perhaps if america would stop trying to be the world police terroristic organisations would leave the US alone.

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