About two days ago I was feeling a little nauseous, and I had an extremely irritated stomach. Then the next day, after I was beginning to feel better, I felt this shooting pain in my lower right side (right at the top of my underwear to be exact). I was literally doubled over. It hurt even more when I pushed on the spot, when I coughed, or sobbed, or anything. I had to lie down and even still it hurt. I was in tears, it was more than just period cramps or gas. It lasted about ten minutes. After that, it would hurt just a little bit occasionally, but not much.
Today, I woke up feeling bloated and a lot of pressure on my lower stomach. Then I experienced back aches in the middle of my back, I never get them there. Throughout the day today I felt the sharp pain in my right side, but it was about a 2 on a 1-10 scale of pain, 9 being where I was yesterday. I would feel that pain for about 10 minutes at a time, with 30 minutes to an hour in between. Even in between there would be a dull pain there.
Right now I am still experiencing back aches.
Is this serious? Does it sound like appendicitis? Or would the pain be constant for appendicitis?