
Is this appropriate during a well woman check?

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I have this dilema... I have a well-woman check up next week. I refuse to cancel this appointment as it takes so long to even get one with the Doc that I love.... anyway, I am a stay at home mom with two boys ages 3 and 6. Usually my husband would come home for an hour or so while I went to my appointment but he cannot come home the day that my appointment is scheduled. I don't know anyone else that could watch the boys as we are new here and my family lives very far away. Is it appropriate to take the boys with me? It isn't like they would see anything as I would have them sit up near my head while the exam was taking place. I could pack toys and snacks for them to keep them busy. My boys are very well behaved and wouldn't act like monsters, but would this be weird to the Doctor if my children were there or is it totally acceptable for a busy stay at home mom?




  1. You have to do what you have to do.  If you are to uncomfortable to take them with you look online for a drop in daycare in your area, some you can pay by the hour.  We have a few around me and I used them for just that same dilemma.

  2. If they're able to sit there without messing with things and making a lot of noise, it wouldn't be inappropriate. Though, you may want to ask the nurse at the desk before your appointment to check on their policies. One GYN that I had didn't like any minors in the room, no matter the circumstances, while another I had didn't mind as long as they weren't messing with things.

  3. I was just curious, why the 6 years old won't be going to school? As I know they usually go to school by that age. Anyway, if you want to take them with you, it will be better if they stay outside, at the reception area. You may request the desk people to keep an eye. As you say your kids are well behaved. At some places there may be a creche where mothers may leave their toddlers. You may ask if they have any such facility in the health care centre/ clinic you will be going to. As a last resort only I would take my kids in the examination room with me. The questions may be coming anyway, but it is better to postpone those for the time being. They are too young to know about these things.

    Hope it helps.

    Good luck!

  4. I've done it.  Just like you, I moved a lot and didn't have anyone to leave them with.  It's not my first choice, but sometimes there's no other way.  Don't act freaked out by having them there and they'll be fine.  Books and snacks are a big help.

  5. Many people have been in your situation. If the doctor is uncomfortable with it they'll have a nurse take your kids to the hall for a couple of minutes. Sometimes a nurse or aid will offer to do it just because they know you probably didn't intend to have your children with you. A very few offices will not allow it so you might want to check with them ahead of time. Its perfectly acceptable for you to take them with you as long as its not going to be extremely uncomfortable for you, the kids or your doctor.

  6. to be honest,the receptionist may supervise your kids if you explain that you dont have childcare.probably better if you have your privacy.

  7. You could bring them if you are sure that they will sit and behave... it can be kind of a long appointment.  But, I would worry a bit about the 6 year old... he is getting a bit old and is going to be very curious as to what the doctor is doing (which is fine if you want to get into that with him), which is going to cause the 3 year old to ask questions.  If I was you, and my husband couldn't be home with them, I would reschedule.  If you don't have any immediate concerns that you need to talk to a doctor about, then just reschedule.  You could also call and let them know your situation and see what the doctor prefers.

  8. When I was a stay at home mom I took my daughter everywhere with me including the ob/gyn. I imagine I would have done the same with a son. It may spark a lot of questions with the 6 year old but they are going to come up eventually anyway. This could set the pace for a very healthy level of communication as he grows up and the important issues come up. GL

  9. I had my kids 11 months apart, and spent a certain amount of time as a single mom before I remarried, which means I had to do it all myself sometimes.  Doctors are used to having moms in your situation bring their kids.  Some even keep toys and such in their waiting rooms or even have a separate play area for the kids while their moms are in the examining rooms.  Explain to the staff your dilemma, and they will know what to do.  They're used to it, believe me!!!  If they're a good office, they will know exactly what to do and be able to help you while you're there. :-)

  10. It's not inappropriate, assuming they will sit and behave where/as they should.

  11. my previous gyno b/4 i moved used to have an area made specifically for kids.  My daughter is 5 and when i had no one to watch her the front office receptionist usually would peek in and see if she was fine.  Good luck!

  12. When I had a well baby check up for my 2nd, I used to bring my 3 year old along with me.  He sat near my head and I gave him games and snacks to keep him busy.  The Dr was extremely supportive and made it seem extremely normal.  I think most Dr's understand that sometimes we just don't have a choice.  Good luck and congrats on the baby.

  13. I wouldn't take them. But since it sounds like you have to maybe you could have one of the staff keep an eye on them during that part of the exam.

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