
Is this appropriate to include on a party invite?

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I want to have a little get together and invite all my friends over for some cocktails...

however, I don't have the cash to provide drinks (alcoholic beverages) for EVERYONE... that's a lot to provide.

So this is what my invite would say

Nicole's Birthday Wish...

To see all her friends at her cocktail night!

It's a drink potluck so bring your favorite drink and lets catch up!

Some drinks and yummy snacks will be provided!

Is that appropriate? They are my friends and it's not like it's too formal...




  1. yeah- BYOB!  They're your friends, right?  Its totally done.

  2. sure it is kind of like BYOB  

  3. I agree with zenobia2, leave out some drinks and let everyone bring their own.

    Have a happy birthday.  

  4. oooo I want to be invited...sounds like fun!!!  

  5. Since it's just close friends and it's informal, who cares?  You know your people, if they're going to be cool, go for it.

  6. This sounds terrific!  The only thing I'd change is to leave out "some drinks" provided.  At any gathering where it's BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle) the host should always have some drinks for those guests who forgot or were unable to bring their own. I'd just leave it as, "Yummy snacks provided".

  7. I don't know to me it sounds corny. Most birthdays its a given everything is provided and you just bring the gifts. If i couldn't afford that then i just wouldn't have a party and usually my friends will call to wish me happy birthday and ask what i have planed and i would say nothing really then they would take me out to drinks. If some of your closest friends ask you that say i don't have anything planed but i would really love to do this however its costs more than i can afford. They will probably offer to help you with it financially. IF they do that make sure to tell them not to bring gifts then.  Just talk to some of your friends about it now and tell them how great it would be and I'm sure they would be really excited to make your day special for you. And i do repeat this would be their b-day present to you.


    Come to the Birthday Celebration for Nicole

    Join us for an evening of food, fun and drinks.

    Bring a bottle of your favorite mixer/beverage to share

    Snacks will be provided.

    Call ------------ with any questions

  9. instead of "Some drinks and yummy snacks will be provided!" drop the the some drinks...just say snacks provided

  10. i think its fine!!! have fun!!!

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