
Is this article written by R. Robb, Titled “Democrats the Party of Whiners” on or off base?

by Guest66052  |  earlier

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The Democrats have titled their party platform, "Renewing America's Promise."

A more honest and accurate title would be, "We'll Give You More."

The soul of the Democratic philosophy is summed up in this passage from the platform: "For decades, Americans have been told to act for ourselves, by ourselves, on our own. Democrats reject this recipe for division and failure."

Note the disdain for the ethos of self-responsibility. Democrats do not merely regard it as insufficient. Instead they regard the idea that people should provide for themselves as divisive.

Even more significantly, Democrats regard self-responsibility as a "recipe for failure." In other words, Democrats don't think the American people are capable of making it on their own.

And so, Democrats have a government program for, well, everything.

Democrats want government to help you raise your kids, send them to college, train and retrain for a job, buy a home and save for retirement.

They must be saving the burial assistance program for 2012.

If you want an abortion or want to keep the child, it doesn't matter. Democrats want taxpayers to help pay for it either way.

Is Robert Robb correct or incorrect in his assessment?

Your opinion is looked forward to. Thanks.




  1. Sounds sadly accurate. My assesment is that the Democrat party thrives on 4 things;

    Victims, Scapegoats, Handouts and "We aren't George Bush".

  2. Right on.

  3. Both the Democrats and Republicans are robbing us blind.  If its not money for poor kids to go to college its money for halliburton to run an illegal war in Iraq.

    Boo to both.

  4. Yes that is the platform the Democrats traditionally run on government assitance and control of almost every aspect of your daily lives.   It was deemed a noble cause starting with FDR's New Deal from the 1930's and peddled to the voting public as the greatest thing since sliced bread. What underlies government social programs is far more sinister in nature, it is a way that Governments politicians and political parties contrive to one confiscate your hard earned wealth and more importantly and more deadly it is a way they control the populace and remain in power.  FDR himself said it "The New Deal will keep the Democratic Party holding the reins of government for the next 200 yrs and will be the ultimate demise of any who challenge it."---------Sounds reminescent of a socialist dicatator doesnt it ?

  5. It should read "party of winners".

  6. He could not possibly be further from any resemblance of truth.  Exactly how much did the GOP pay Robert Robb to write that drivel?

  7. He is 100% accurate.  Dems just want handouts.  More.  More. More.

  8. If you go back far enough in any successful Republican's ancestry, you'll find THEIR own family had help—at one time—to get educated, get a promotion, and have a chance to make their descendants more successful. And I'll bet you a meager minimum-wage salary that that help came from a Democrat.

    A Republican who denies anyone needs help from time-to-time (generation-to-generation) to get on their feet is just splitting hairs and denying their own former needs.

    He is incorrect—

  9. The demon rats(Dem's) have always been whiners, liars, etc. Fdr got elected by promising to give everyone freebies. He then used lies and deception to drag the USA into WWII. Truman let the commies off the hook in Korea. Kennedy made sure Castro got to keep Cuba. Johnson enlarged the welfare state, and got us mired down in Vietnam. Carter let the Ayatollah kidnap and torture americans. Clinton caused our troops to be killed in Somalia. He tried to destroy our military while selling missile guidance technology to the Chinese.In the mean time taxes were raised on workers and more money given to those who are too damned lazy to work. Obama is popular because he has bragged about s******g the rich.

  10. And so, Democrats have a government program for, well, everything.

    Democrats want government to help you raise your kids, send them to college, train and retrain for a job, buy a home and save for retirement.>>

    Dead WRONG. You have a preconceived notion of Democrats and found some neocon whacko to fit your ideas.

  11. The article is dead-nuts correct. Thank you.

  12. For the taxes Americans pay, they should get something for their money.  I don't really care which way America decides this--we can go practically libertarian and decide that the government isn't supposed to provide squat and slash taxes accordingly, or we can continue with our nearly socialist level of taxation and receive benefits from the government for our taxes.  But paying taxes like a socialist country and then being told to be responsible for myself--it would make me wonder where my money was going if I didn't know.

    The reason I am going to vote democrat isn't because I'm looking for a handout. It is because I don't want my money given away to people that don't deserve it.  Your Republicans do believe in welfare, but that's welfare for Fannie Mae and American Airlines, not for the 18 year old single mother that really could be more than a waitress if she had a little help getting there.  This is where relying completely on personal responsibility fails--when you are allowing citizens to not develop to the most productive level of employment they could because they didn't have money when they needed it.  The free market only works if we keep it a free market--it has been heavily influenced by the government, acting both as a customer and a donor.  

    Those ideals sound nice in principle, but this country has strayed pretty far from ideas like 'work hard and you'll succeed'.  It just isn't true anymore.  No one in government forced business to hold up their end of the work ethic, so now the work ethic has been replaced by 'what can I get.'    Blame Reagan for that--he did a lot right, but he didn't seem to believe that workers are a part of the free market.  

  13. Definitely off base.

    "If you want an abortion or want to keep the child, it doesn't matter. Democrats want taxpayers to help pay for it either way."

    And republicans claim to be for LESS government interferrence in our lives EXCEPT when it comes to abortion, THEN they want EVERYONE but themselves to be told what to do by the government.

    republicans pretend to care so much about a fetus, but once they child is born they don't care if the kid starves, grows up uneducated, gets abused...just as long as they live long enough so they can be sent off to fight in a war that the republicans "support" but won't go fight in themselves or urge their own kids to go serve in.

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