
Is this assult or not

by  |  earlier

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i was walking home after going to the shop and a young couple aproach me the girl atemts to slap me i ask her why she pushes me back and throws a solid right hand witch cut my lip then the boyfreaind says its only a girls punch then a pcso comes i tell him what happend but none of the construction workers working nearby make a statement the police oficer laughs and says since im a male i should be aright with taking punches i knew this girl from school and never spoke to her once in my life i filed charges for assult and she got a caution ive always kept my self away from gangs drugs and have nver been in trouble with the police but is time to act and join the world of crime because im sick and tired of being pushed and punched for being a good person today should i find this girl and knock her out




  1. Of course it is assault. No question about it.

  2. You go girl.

  3. I think you are pretty much full of it. If this did happen and you were a real man, why would you be posting this on YA?

  4. When my son and his now wife were dating, she had a bad habit of hitting him.  One day, in the WalMart parking lot, she hit him because he wouldn't let her carry the car keys.  She wanted to pretend that she was the driver.  They were very young then.  Someone in the parking lot saw them and called the cops, and she was taken to jail, went to court, and had to spend 30 days in a detention center.  Yes, one slap is assault.  You forgot to punctuate your statement.  It was very hard to read.  
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