
Is this average or below average for a 43 yr old man?

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My husband is 43,I'm 39 and we have been happily married 17+yrs.

When we make love he can last between 15-20 minutes during actual lovemaking and its enough time for both of us to get satisfied.

This 15-20 minutes DOESN'T include foreplay.

Like i said this is enough time for both of us to get satisfied so no more time is needed i was just curious about if this is average or below average for a guy his age.




  1. I wish I could last 20 minutes.  Don't you get tired before that?  After about 1 minute I'm sweating and tired.  Are you going fast or just a nice slow pace?  Is it constant in and out or do you pause a lot during?  I would have to say he is way above average.

  2. Its great for you then it is amazing for me. Good luck.

    I am married to a 57 yr old stud. He does kegels and PC muscle excercises and he can go on for days if I let him tear me up. It all depends, 15-20 minutes not counting foreplay is good.

  3. Definately normal. But really, if you are satisfied, it doesn't matter. If you want more time, there is all kinds of creams and lotions that will make his area less sensitive.

  4. waaaaay below average

  5. that's above average.  most sexual intercourse lasts about 2-3 minutes

  6. it all good at all as you all getting i guess it avg...

  7. I am 29 and i can only last 2 minutes.  My wife is hott!!!  Once I see her naked, I start to drip.

  8. This is just aw some:most guys from any age cannot even last that long and satisfy their partner and themselves:way to go.

    And you are above average.Most last 5-10 minutes.

    Have a happy s*x life


  9. I'm 46 and it's about the same for me.  

    Except when I'm tired.  

    Or she has a headache.

  10. If you are both satisfied, what difference does it make?  Are you looking for reasons to be dissatisfied, or reasons to be smug?

  11. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

    I would say that he's above average, and considerate of you in that he takes his time, controls himself, and your satisfaction seems to be important to him---he's a keeper!

    Some guys just go in, get the job done and don't even try to control themselves, leaving their partner unsatisfied.    

    You're a lucky woman.

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