
Is this avoidant behaviour?

by Guest45484  |  earlier

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Whenever, my mother and I talk about something that has happened, in the past, she always seems to paint my behaviour, in a negative light, and then when I clarify to her what really happened, and that I actually found her behaviour to be very negative, she suddenly stares off into space, easily becoming distracted, by something on tv.




  1. what you are saying that is "natural".

      we call it as "generation gap".

      without that "how life become spicy ?"

  2. I wouldn't be able to make an apt judgement unless i had a specific example, but from what i can tell i don't think your mother likes to remember the past.

    It would be best if you did give me a specific example.

  3. it sounds more like denial, or like a different perspective on things.

  4. My mother is just that way and it so puerile. I have to say, your mother sounds very immature and I am sorry you have to the adult as such in this scenario

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