
Is this backpack for a girl or a boy?

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  1. it kinda looks like it's both. but i think it looks more like a girls backpack

  2. both

  3. Girl

  4. better on a girl.. =]

  5. A GIRL!

  6. both i know boys who where it too but it goes more with a fashionable kinda boy but it's good for girls too and easier to wear on us :]

  7. It depends on your style. If you're more on the girly side...then it looks better on boys. If you're a skater/slightly punk style, it looks good. But here, do you like this one?


  9. I guess it looks both, but guys would never wear that imo, sooo..i go with girl =D

  10. it depends on the style of the person. it would have be a feminine male. by this i mean, a guy whos skinny, with long hair and wears that style clothing, sort of emo or just has a feminine feel about him. girls, would have to wear black, or jeans, and have a sort of retro or punk/emo feel about them. but it could probably look good on anyone but the isanely dorky kids, meaning the ones who doesnt really talk to anyone. it could look good on anyone, im just saying that i think that those style of people would be the cutest with the bag but most people could wear it and it would cute. hope i helped, didnt sound harsh, didnt confuse you, and good luck!

  11. girl

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