
Is this bad? I REALLY need advice.....?

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I'm an 18 year old guy. When I'm answering questions, particularly about sensitive things like s*x and having kids, I get really...."protective" I guess you could say, when I read about a young person making a bad having s*x and getting pregnant at 13......I get upset when I think there's nothing I can do, because obviously they don't know or care about me, but it just hurts so much when this happens.....when some poor child is making such a horrible choice.........and nobody may talk her out of it.........I feel so bad when this this sensitivity, this......empathy a bad thing? am I getting too close to the issues and these people I don't know? Is this bad? I just don't know and I'm concerned that this may tear me apart.........




  1. It is not at all bad if you are concerned about  others problems. Tell them your opinion frankly and politely. It is up to them whether to consider it or not.

    My suggestion to you is don't  get disturbed  by those problems. They must be consulting so many people and psychologists and get their problems solved. We do not  have much role to play in their lives.So why to get worried ?

  2. Not really.

    Having such a big heart is a good thing.

    but in the example you provided: You have to tell yourself that THEY were the ones that decided to sleep around and get themselves pregnant. I personally don't feel bad for single teenage mothers, only because they know what happens when two people have s*x: babies are made. and to prevent that, they should wear a condom...which arent hard to buy...

    Ultimately, even if it is a bad choice, it is their choice...they don't have to have their child, they could give it up for adoption or have an abortion, or give custody to a family member until they are at a stable time in their life.  But like i said, I only feel that way because of my own feelings and experiences.

    I know what you mean though; I feel so bad for the kids that get bullied so much that they go nuts...

    I think it has something to do with your person life...

    not saying that you got pregnant lol! I'm just saying that maybe when you were younger you made a bad choice, and can relate...

    Your kindess is a gift; never let it go.

    If you feel like your emotions are to heavy for you to handle over things that you don't even know WHY their bothering you, do what you can to make it right...

    like write those people a letter, save it on your computer, and never send it.

    It helps, alot :]

    You should be a social worker or something, you'd be amazing at it, btw!

  3. Gosh no,its not bad!  Its knowing that you have probably been through some of the things they are going through and you know there is a light at that long dark tunnel.   Its people like you that we need more of in this world.  Humans have stopped wanting to help people because of suing, setting blame, etc. etc.  But remember you can't save all the starfishes on the beach, but you help the ones that you do throw back..:) Your a good person, keep it up!

  4. your just really sensitive to that issue and maybe you know of someone close who experience something like that. Just try to not think about it because you cant stop all teens from getting pregnant but if you want, you can always try to make an effort to help them with it. Or maybe become a public speaker at schools to show the negativity of being pregnant so young.

  5. empathy = compassion!  tone it down a bit.  you can't save them what you can to change your community.  if helping pregnant teens is your passion, then figure out a way to help and go for it.

  6. No it's not a bad thing.. empathy is a good thing.. but you can't do something for everyone.. some dont' want to listen.. I talk to girls and women in abusive relationships and I am always glad when I hear from one she is out of it and she managed to stay away from the abusive guy and others go back.. they have to learn for themselves and think for themselves and a 13 year old should be able to discuss such things with a parent.. or an older sibling of the same s*x... and hopefully heed their advice.. If a 13 year old gets pregnant.. that is something she really has to discuss with her parents.. A girl or a guy should be old enough for s*x to make mature decisions and practise safe s*x.. especially if they are only 15 or 16 and 13 is way too young to have s*x... but you must not let this tear you apart.. If you were a health care worker.. you show compassion to the patients.. and some of them are really ill and in the beginning that is tough to deal with illness especially if the person is young.. but to keep sane you have to find diversion and not carry those burdens around with you otherwise you end up needing councelling... x*x it would be great to help everybody but some want an answer which is only in agreement with what they want to hear.. not what is good for them... xx

  7. It just means you are passionate about what you believe in!  I get the same way about poverty and animal abuse.  

    My advice: channel this energy into something good and try to change it!  You may not be able to solve the problem, but saving a few people from going through that is worth it!

  8. Dont think too much.Ul go mad.If u find someone known to u making a mistake direct them.listening to it or not is up to them.

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