
Is this bad? eating fast food?

by Guest64177  |  earlier

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I eat fast food everyday but I only eat once day, which is dinner. Until then I usually snack on peanut butter crackers, sometimes another crackers. My mom cook half of the time.




  1. YES

    especially because you eat it everyday..

    i eat fastfood like every 6+ months..

  2. I think you consume it a bit too often.

    Remember: Everything in moderation.

    Your Mom (or you) should cook nearly ALL the time. Home cooked food is far healthier than stuff you get out of vending machines or from fast food restaurants.

    EDIT: ShaMayMay, I'm 216 right now and I'm allowed 31 points a day (not including my fun 35 a week which I never use). I've dropped 16 pounds in seven weeks. 35 to go!

  3. yes.  Fast food is LOADED with fat and calories compared to regular cooked food you do at home.  Although you might not see weight gain now, it will catch up with you soon...../

  4. You should only eat fast food once a week, if you eat it everyday, it will catch up with you and you'll regret it.

  5. uh..yea


  6. Yea, it's pretty bad. Try to cut down to 1-2 times a week. Then, you will enjoy the food when you eat it, and will treat it like a luxury. Now, your body is used to the food, and it probably doesn't taste as special as it used to.

  7. yeapyeap...most of them contain some kind of hidden fat called trans's very dangerous to human body..bla bla bla

  8. yea thts pretty bad, ur blood pressure is gonna soar

  9. Your diet sounds high in fats, carbs and sugar if you have soda.

    Do you eat fruit and veggies ever? You should only be eating fast food like 1 or 2 times a month!

    Also, you need to eat something for breakfast-you can't run a car without gas....

    Here is an eye opener: In weight watcher's world, they give you points for the day, so a 200 pound person can have up to 24 points a day. All foods have a point value. Most fruits are 2 points, an egg with the yolk has 3 points, a slice of white bread has 1 point, all veggies are 0 points, a big mac from Mc D's is 14 points.

    You would only have 10 more points for the day if you had a big mac. 9 plain Ritz crackers is around 4 points, if you have 9 more, you only have 2 points left for the day and Im sure you would be pretty hungry.

    Try to get more veggies and fruit into your diet. All this eating out is a bad habit, even if you are eating the 'healthy' stuff, like grilled chicken sandwich, there is so much salt (high blood pressure) injected into the chicken, then coated with a salty sauce, white bread/bun, full fat mayo based dressings flavored with more salty/sugary flavors, teryiaki, bbq...

    Try some fresh types of fast foods, Baja Fresh, Sharky's, El Pollo Loco-they have grilled ingredients, fresh and organic in Sharky's case and the cheese is minimal, its shredded and sprinkled on, not as much as a slice on a fried burger.

    Anyway - that's my answer! ha! eat more fresh foods, that's all!

  10. It really is not good for you unless you go to Subway or Quizno's.

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