
Is this bad eyesight for a 14 year old?

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Sphere - R -3.25

L -3.25

Cyl - R +0.50

L +0.50

Axis R 90

L 90

I get stressed when my glasses are not straight or are broken,

Is this bad eyesight?




  1. No not that bad, iv'e seen worse

  2. That's a pretty "bad" Rx for a 14 yr old.  Your parents must have poor vision too.   I have definitely seen worse, but that's coming from someone who used to have a

    -8.50 before lasik!!

  3. Yes, it's bad.

    I was born with even worse than this in one of my eyes which had a diopter no. -5.00 in my early childhood.

    I got a pair of glasses, put them in my drawer and forgot about them and kept working with the right eye of mine.

    When at age 20 I got a government job in the defense ministry, I was supposed to go for a medical check up, and to my astonishment, both my eyes measured -2.25 diopter.

    I lived with that eyesight (without glasses!) till I was 53 years old.

    On December 12, 2004; as I was standing waiting for my wife in Sarojini Nagar Market, New Delhi, India; I suddenly felt my body was stretching itself in a way incomprehensible to my own self.

    And lo, every single thing in the field of my sight went crystal clear!

    I held my breath.

    All through my life, I had been a victim to myopia (nearsightedness) with a refractive index of -2.25D!

    I could not believe myself.

    I closed my lids and took a deep breath. As I opened them, my sight was back to its myopic blur again.

    But my body remembered.

    I immediately repeated that awesome incomprehensible stretch and again it was there.

    I was seeing! ...Crystal clear!!

    My gaze had grown a glow in it!

    For me, it was nothing less than a miracle.

    I was 53 years old then. But being a research oriented person as I always had been all through my life, I immediately decided to take it up as a personal research project in the field of vision therapy and overall mind body health using my own body as my laboratory for the experiments of ophthalmology and opening chakras; and my sight as the final test of my vision therapy as well as my total mind body health.

    You can follow the story further on and on blog archives

  4. It's bad enough that you pretty well have to wear them all the time.

    But, how bad ?...that is a - 3.25 it is worse than someone who needs - 1.00...but only half as bad as someone who needs a - 6.00

    Your age really has nothing to do with it...a 10 year old could require a much stronger prescription than you a 20 year old may require a lot less...

    The important thing is how well you see with your glasses on..

  5. This really doesn't mean you have "bad" vision, as your vision can be corrected by glasses and you can thus achieve excellent vision.

    It doesn't even mean your eyes are weak, because you have myopia, meaning your eyes actually bend light stronger than they have to, thus focusing light in front of the retina. Your perscription is, however, perfect for reading a book, as you don't have to put effort in to focusing. This will prove handy later in life as you start becoming presbyopic ( ).

    Vision doesn't actually depend on age, as I've personally met a nine year old girl with a -18 perscription. You think you can't see without your glasses? She couldn't see anything farther than 50 milimiters!

    In fact, your eyesight is great for refractive surgery, as you have just the amount of refractive error to justify going through such a procedure, and you aren't even near the upper diopeter limit for going through such a procedure (the limit is about -7.00 although that differs, depending on the type of surgery performed).

    I am 14.5, and I have -5.50 in each eye and a small amount of astigmatism, and my refractive error will just keep increasing (or so my genetics lead me to believe), so trust me, you are in good company :)

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