
Is this bad for a growing girl?

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She doesn't eat meat or fish because she loves animals..

Would this affect her later in life?

She hasn't had any problems so far..

Shes 12 by the way.

Thanks x




  1. It won't. I am also 12, and have been a vegetarian since I was 4 and I am fine. She will be ok.

  2. You can get vitamin suppliments if that can help :)

  3. probably

  4. i have a teacher who has  been a veggi since she was born and she all right and very haelth as very realy has the day off (unforchanatly)


  5. You're getting a few misinformed answers, claiming that vitamin supplements are needed for vegetarians, they are not essential at all.

    A healthy balanced diet is the key. I have been vegetarian since 8 years old, and 11 years on, here I am. Don't worry.

    A balanced vegetarian diet will supply al the nutrients you need, and a veggie diet is suitable for all age ranges.

    My sister is also a vegetarian. She's 13 this year. I have every confidence that my sister will be fine on a vegetarian diet.

    Hope this helps!

  6. she will grow less unless she gets all the vitamins and everything she needs that normally come from meat

  7. Hope not, I just started being one, and I'm 13

  8. definitely  yes

  9. I have been a vegetarian since I was very little.

    I am seventeen years old now, almost eighteen.

    I am healthier than most people according to my doctor and I have more energy.

    I also get milder acne than most people my age.

    I am at the perfect weight for my height.

    My hair and nails grow very fast.

    There is nothing wrong with it at all.

    All you need to do is make sure she eats a lot of vegetables and fruits and nuts. Make sure she doesn't eat too many chips/snack food.

    Also, stick to a lot of water and, if she will, milk.

    And let her know that she needs to eat more often because fruits and veggies burn faster than meats.

    Good luck to her.

  10. The American Dietetic Association states that well-planned vegetarian diets are healthy for all life stages, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

    Meaning, it's perfectly healthy for a 12 year old, so long as that 12 year old is eating a varied, balanced vegetarian diet.  If she's making sure that she gets all her nutrients from a variety of healthy foods, and not just eating junk food all the time, it WILL affect her in later life - by lowering her chances of heart disease, stroke, hypertenstion, cholesterol problems, diabetes, kidney disease, obesity and certain types of cancer.

    Boyer, if you were a doctor, you'd know how to spell "protein."  Sheesh.

  11. Lots of children are veggies and as long as they have a healthy diet and possibly vitamin tablets there will be no long term health problems.

  12. It depends, you don t actually have to eat meat, if you have the right diet. firstly she needs protien, sources of protein include soy products, meat substitutes, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds and whole grains. Calcium, sources include low-fat dairy foods and dark green vegetables, such as spinach, turnip, kale, and broccoli, are good sources of calcium. Tofu enriched with calcium and fortified soy milk and fruit juices are other options. Vitamin B-12, Iron, and Zinc.

    Vitamin B-12 is found almost exclusively in animal products, including milk, eggs and cheese. Vegans can get vitamin B-12 from some enriched cereals, fortified soy products or by taking a supplement that contains this vitamin.

    A good source of Iron includes dried beans and peas, lentils, enriched cereals, whole-grain products, dark leafy green vegetables, and dried fruit are good sources of iron. To help your body absorb nonanimal sources of iron, eat foods rich in vitamin C — such as strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage and broccoli — at the same time you consume iron-containing foods.

    Good sources of zinc include whole grains, soy products, nuts and wheat germ.

  13. As long as she has a balanced veg diet she'll be fine. You can be an unhealthy vegetarian just as you can be an unhealthy meat eater.

    If she does eat properly then chances are she'll be healthier than the average meat eater. There won't be any need to take pills... vitamins will come the natural way from all the healthy fruit and veg she should be eating.

  14. No. My best friend has been vegetarian since he was 7, and there's nothing wrong with him now. He eats a lot of veggies, fruit, whole grains, and protein, and he's fine. It all depends on if you do everything right. If you live off oreos and soda, this will DEFINATELY affect her later in life lol.

    And wtf is carnosine timmy? I've done my research, trust me, and NOWHERE does it say I need that ****, so why don't you answer questions where you know wtf you're talking about.

    Ahh... I see... "Typical vegetarian diets are thought to be lacking in carnosine, but whether this has a detrimental effect on vegetarians is ****controversial."

  15. Nope, not at all just make sure she eats all the vitamins, nutrients and protein she needs. This guy I know never touched or had meat in his life and he is really healthy! He's 12 years old too, his family never had meat that they know of. But he is skinny, not too skinny though! He was born a vegetarian.

  16. Make sure she gets plenty of protein and calcium in particular, but all the other vitamins and nutrients are just as necessary for a good growth.

  17. Well it could effect her..but then again i dont think it does..not sure..sorry.

  18. i started out at 12/13 now i'm 20 and i'm fine grown past the average sized male, not skinny or any misconception people seem to have about being vegetarians growing up.

  19. No, if she chooses good meat substitutes and gets enough protein and if she has otherwise a balanced diet.

    Meat is not even at the basis of the food pyramid:

    In fact, she can even get healthier than other people who include meat in their diet.

  20. Yes, it could affect her later in life. Only in positive ways, though (mainly improved health).

  21. We are omnivores, the dominant species of this earth... we have k9 teeth to tear meat & molar's for grinding veg/fruit, we were born to eat meat just as we were born to grow old and die.

    Some people refuse to eat egg as it is a undeveloped chicken fetus and the red spot's inside the egg, cockrel s***n.

    If you have a high frequency sound recording system you can hear a tree or plant "cry/moan" when it is cut down or hurt.

    In my opinion being a vegan or vegiterian i see it as a sign of mental weaknes & caring emotionaly for a weaker species.

    There are ALOT of vitamins/nutrients in meat and you will find unless she takes addittional supplements with her vegan/veggie diet it may stump her growth or give her health problems later in life.

    Not worth the hassle, take her to the zoo... show her the lions and explain the food chain!!!

  22. It could affect her in later life because she needs a good range of foods in her diet. She needs the vitamins and iron from meat and fish which can help her a lot.

    I'm not saying she's going to damage herself but there will be some changes in her body functions than to other people who aren't vegetarians.

    Good Luck to her (:

  23. Not really, as long as she is getting enough protein.  If she eats eggs, cheese and protein bars she should be okay.

  24. Its fine! My 9 year old hasn't ever eaten meat and she's very fit and healthy. Just make sure she's getting protein from eggs, nuts, beans or cheese and that she's getting plenty of iron rich foods, and vitamins from fruit and veg

  25. nope vitamins makes you grow and protein

    plus no meat and no fish...that is called a vegetarian right??

    nope she is absolutely fine!! if your wandering about her being so skinny she gets anorexic then give her sweets chocolates

    but think also about fruit and vegetables :D aswell as milk and water :)

    she will be fine!!

  26. Provided she finds a substitute for protien in her diet there should be no problems at all!

    There are many people out there just like her and have grown up like everyone else!

    It will just be a little bit more difficult to find tast foods!

  27. Meat is not needed to be healthy but a well balanced vegetarian diet is.

    Google "The vegetarian food pyramid"

  28. try to get  her to eat some fish or some thing no it is not good for her i am a doctor so you need some proteen in your body or you will feel weak

  29. Absolutely not. I've been a vegetarian since I was 3, and I'm very very healthy. Just make sure you get all your vitamins and protein. Some good sources of protein are: nuts, tofu, soy, and protein-enrichde foods like bagels and cereal.

    Also, try to stay away from the junk food and make sure to eat enough vegetables- not doing those things i a common mistake for both vegetarians and meat eaters.

    Good for you for becoming a vegetarian =)

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