
Is this bad? (mostly guys, but girls ok too)

by  |  earlier

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I don't like talking to the same people everyday. I'm not one of those girls that talks to her best friend everyday. Even with any guys that I talk to, when they start calling me everyday, I don't like it, because it feels like we'll run out of things to talk about, or the conversations will start to feel forced. I don't see it as getting tired of people easily, I just like my space? I don't like feeling like I'm obligated to talk to someone everyday. Is this a bad trait? (would you not want me as a friend or girlfriend?)




  1. i'm kind of the same way. i'll talk until the conversation doesn't flow naturally, and then i'll just shut up. and if she thinks it's awkward, oh well, cause im not going to force conversation.. it's destructive..

    if conversation doesn't come and go naturally at all one day, oh well!!

    i like my space.

    having said that, i'm very into having long, involved conversations about interesting subjects with people i'm close to. they might span a couple days. it can get deep, you never know.

  2.    I agree with the first two answers in some ways, but with you too.

       Having a "friend" pretty much shouldn't mean that either of you need a BINKIE or security blanket, and NOT being Chatty isn't a sin.

      If/When you run out of talk with anyone, it's pretty much time to say, "Catch ya later" BUT it could be that there are times when there is enough to talk about, that it could go on for hours. That might relate to both of you being interesting people without a need to shout it out.

      I really have to gag at "My Space" though, no offense. Yikes it has to be the most over used term on the planet. Certainly we all need or want alone time, OUR time, without wanting or needing others to FILL it, with us. Anyone who has a NEED to have others in their lives, has other issues.


  3. i totally thought i was the only one who ignores the phone when its a girlfriend for the 3rd time today. shell say whatcha doin? well i have a milion other things i cuold be doin. i dont need to know her everymove. i love my time. plus it seems girls thesedays are complaing about kids or men. i need more mind stimulation

  4. you sound fine... how boring would it be if we were all social butterflies.

  5. I'm the same way.

    I've lived with my boyfriend for 3 years.

    I don't have many friends because I usually end up disliking people after I get to know them. It's a curse because I'm training to be a clinical psychologist. In essense, I'm rarely interested in normal, happy people. My friends all live far away from me. We don't talk all the time, but we keep contact info.

    When you find the right guy, he won't call you too much...and if he calls you as much as any other guy would, you won't find it to be annoying.

  6. It's not a bad trait, I get like that sometimes. I like my space also and sometimes I don't feel like talking to anyone. I wouldn't worry about it and hopefully your friends will understand how you feel.

  7. Well it just sounds like you are boring..... A conversation is never pushed, atleast for me I can talk to my friends everyday and never have a problem like that.

  8. I don't think it's a bad thing because everybody is different, but personally i wouldn't have friends like that because I like to stay close to my friends.

  9. well not to be F*cked up but that seem like a person u dont want to talk. but if u dont see u ever stoping this how about u just tell ppl that that u have this "thing" and they dont take it as u not want to be friends same thing if u till a guy that u might like or going out with so he doesnt feel like u dont like him or that ur just using him. but then again a conversation is never forced it just that they want to continue but u guys ran out of topics and if u did just ask more about them u could be surprise on how ppl think differntly than u..well i hoped i helped

  10. No omg dont even think like that!

    Im only saying this cuz im the exact same ahah

    Everyone's different, we all need our space. I actually think what you're doing is good. You dont wanna run outa things to talk about or make your conversations feel forced because THAT just makes you boring. you know? cuz i find conversations like that are always so pointless. Talking to someone every few days isnt bad, even when its your best friend, i find its better cuz it gives them time to miss you lol and then when you finally talk you have more new things to tell them!

    So dont worry girl!! If people dont like you for that, you dont need em'

    Peace xo.

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