
Is this bad? (names included)

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Is it bad to try to have all your names planned out to have a baby only when you are turning 14?

Im 14 years old and I am planning to have a child sometime in my late 20's but i already have all the names planned out.

If i have one girl i wanna name her : Alexa Audrey (audrey after my grama, Alexa i have always liked that name)

If i have one boy i wanna name him: Caden Andrew (love that name)

If i have twin girls: Kristen Audrey and Kylie Adrienne (audrey after my grama)

If i have twin boys: Caden Andrew and Joel Alex

Is that bad to have it all planned out?




  1. Only I'd change is Joel. I don't like that name. But all the others are good.

  2. Don't like Alexa, idk, too girly. Love the other names.

  3. It's not bad to have baby names picked out, no matter what your age is, just like it isn't bad to have your wedding planned out even though your simply in high school.  

    You also have to remember that when you do have kids, you might want different names, or your husband/boyfriend might not exactly like the names you have chosen, so you might want to be a little flexible when the time does come.  However, picking names is always fun, and it isn't hurting anyone for you to have them picked out at a young age.  As long as...

    you don't get pregnant when you aren't ready because taking care of a baby is a lot of work and money.  I see too many teenagers getting pregnant now a days that arent' ready to be parents.  Enjoy your teenage years, have fun, go to college or university if that's what you want to do, but use protection until you are ready to have children.

  4. I think by the time you have kids you will no longer like these names as some are outdated or overly popular already.  Plus you will have to agree with the father (I hope).  But a girl can dream and there is nothing wrong with it other than you will probably change your mind before you have kids.  

  5. Hmmm...Well it CAN. When I was 13, I was already choosing names for my future kids. But I left it at just dreaming about the fututre names of my children. Whereas, my niece was so obsessed with the names that she got it into her head that she wanted a baby, at 14. Nine months later she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Alexandria Lynn Skie. She recently admitted to me that after her daughter was born (shes 2 now) one of her proudest moments was introducing her daughter by whole name, to people she met. And the compliments of course.

    So as long as you keep it in your head that you want to WAIT until you're over the age of at least 25, then I think your names are great and your future kids will be lucky to have them!

  6. no lol

    im 14 and have it all planned out aswell,everyone says that you change your mind as you grow up though.

    if i have one girl i want to name her Taylor Skye (my grandmas maiden name and her favourite).

    if i have one boy: Dylan Michael (Michael-grandads name).

    if i have twin girls: Taylor Skye and Brooke Summer

    if i have twin boys: Dylan Michael and Tyler Jack


  7. No it's not bad to have it planned, but those names are going to be out of style and old-fashioned by the time you have kids. It's like saying you want to name your kid Wilma which is considered old and ugly.

    I like your names though!*

  8. haha no its not bad I did the same ..kinda fun :D there are so many pretty names out there

    for boys I really love the names:

    eliajah,Francis <3, I have always loved the name caden,landon,taylor/tyler hhm which is better?,noah,jasper weird name :S? dunno I like it for some odd reason


    jade,rose,violet,violet faye,scarlette,Frances <3 umm...

  9. It isn't bad to imagine what you might name your children but I seriously doubt these choices will remain with you until you get married and have kids.

  10. Nooo this is not bad at all!!!! A lot of people have there kids names picked out when there young!!!!! Dont worry everybidy does it!

    xoxo :) :)

  11. i have always thought about baby names.. so no its not bad.

    and your names you have picked out are very cute.  

  12. No its not bad to have it all planned out...I too, had names picked out when I was younger...unfortunately, when you have children, there is a father involved with an input too...

  13. Bad, no.  Fanciful, yes.

  14. Ha, no!  I've been doing that since I was probably eight, and I'm thirteen now and have lists of my top ten favourites for girls and guys, elohel!

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