
Is this bad or not???

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im 14 gonna be 15 in a month and i want a baby soooo bad its not even funny. like, idk i work wiith babies at my church nursery and i see how happy the moms are with them. and ive worked with mentally retarded kids since i was 11 so i know how to take care of them and ive worked with older kids from 4-12. so i know that they dont stay babies forever. i just want one soooo bad. is this normal

ha ha *cough* already had s*x so yaa......

have two dogs and two cats




  1. Are you crazy?

  2. um it is normal to like taking care of kids but you really aren't ready for parenthood. sorry.

  3. Your desire is normal.  

    Please, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get on some birth control now.  ASAP.  

    15 is way to young to have kids.  You want them but you're not ready.  It's Biology vs. Society.  

  4. How about you go right ahead and take care of the babies at church, and the kids 4-12, but [LET YOURSELF LIVE YOUR LIFE ALL THE WAY THRU FIRST], then if you still  want a child, get married first,and then have all the babies you and your husband wants!But if you get pregnant now, your whole life will be ruined!It will be a child having a child! Everything you now can go out and buy yourself will be over, your pregnacy will come first over anything you'll ever want again,istead of wondering what you're going to taking in school, won't be happening, because you'll have to put everything back for the baby, so see, let you be able to live your thoroughly then if want children, that will be your choice, and you know taking care of someone else's and having your own, is completely different! Just think about that?OK?  

  5. i wouldn't say it's normal, but i wouldn't say it's not, either.  i'm sure most girls who are around babies all the time in the type of environment you are (happy moms, happy babies) experience baby want.  in my personal opinion, you are first of all waaaaaaaaaaaay too young to be having s*x, but that's neither here nor there.  your friends say now that they will help, but what about when the baby is crying in the middle of the night and you get so frustrated because you just don't know what to do?  what about when the baby is teething and nothing you do seems to make him/her feel better?  there is a lot more to parenting than just love and cuddles and happy cooing babies.  it's d**n hard, and i didn't have a baby till i was 25.  there are moments that give you the utmost joy (like the first time she smiled at me) and there are times when you just want to run away by yourself (like when the baby has colic and cries incessantly).  besides, you can't trust that the boy who may get you pregnant would stick around.  no 14 or 15 year old boy wants to be tied down with someone that young with a baby for the next 18 years.  you have so much in your own life to be concerned about, that it would be a little selfish if you were to bring a child into this world.  it doesn't matter if you're not a partier, because once you have a baby EVERYTHING changes.  it's hard to just go and get a bite to eat a diner for an hour, let alone go party with your friends.  please wait at least until you finish school and find a good man.  having a baby doesn't guarantee instant love, either.  babies don't know what love is.  they know how to pee, p**p, cry, and sleep, and that's pretty much it for a few months!  not to mention how expensive everything is.  if you use formula, it's quite a bit of money for even just a small jar.  even the cheapest diapers are expensive, and wipes, and doctor visits, and don't realize these kinds of things until you actually have a baby.  please wait.

  6. I'm ur age, and ur probably influenced by all these shows about pregnant girls. seriously your parents would kill u if they found out u were prego at 14/15


    Wait u already had s*x? then if u have ur period already then yea ur probaply pregnant if it was unprotected,

    or do you mean u had s*x with ur pets? oh my god if that's true you need to see a pyscolighst!

  7. Don't do it. It's gonna be a HUGE burden on your life! I guarantee u will regret ever getting pregnant. Because of these simple things. Alot of girls at my school always worry about theyre weight. They wanna look hot for the guys. Having a baby will only increase this problem and it's gonna be extra hard for you to find a boyfriend after the baby. The money. It's gonna be pretty hard for you to raise the baby, while doing schoolwork, while trying to get a job for you to find money to feed YOUR baby. Not your parents. Look, I know I sound preachy but were only teenagers and honestly we don't know what it takes to raise a baby. All we do is go to school, work hard, and live free in our parents houses for alot of years. You have a responsibility. And it's school. Which is not that hard when you think about it. Why would u want to mess up that simplicity that is your life and become all of a sudden responsible for another human being??

  8. mmmm...i really think u should wait for at least  3 to 4 years not right know ur a bit to young and and what about partying and going out think about need to go out and party life and then settle down and have a family..

  9. ur thinking is fine but giving birth to baby is not just a fun. First of all, look at yourself, u r too young to have a baby. It dangerous for your health. Secondly, rearing your baby is not a easy task as u r rearing other's baby. So, don't do these mistakes

  10. a) you are too young for s*x

    b) you are too young for a baby

    c) you are obviously a religious girl, working at the church, you have broken your adstinence

    d) looking after children and giving birth to a baby are completely different things

    e) how can you have a child when you are still a child yourself

    f) continue working with the kids, but please don't get pregnant, it could ruin your life and your reputation

  11. um... personally I think you're too young for s*x or actually having a baby. I was really young when I wanted a baby, but I never actually thought of making that a reality  

  12. No it is not at all normal. And what does the fact that you have dogs and cats have to do with anything??? Maybe you should go talk to a counselor.  

  13. It's normal to have hormones yes but it's not normal to carry out these thoughts and have a baby. Yeah these mum's a are happy but i bet it is still hard work for them and volunteering at the church (which preaches no s*x before marriage, which you obviously haven't done) is not the same as having a baby at home 24/7 for the rest of your life.

    It might seem like a good idea but it's not and by trying to get pregnant your just being even more immature. It's not a good idea to get pregnant, choose a future instead.

  14. You are too young for s*x and I'm sorry to say but you are not mentally, emotionally, ready for a baby. It's not as easy as it seems. If you really want one have one when you finish school! Also you are not financially supported and you need to be in a loving relationship with a partner that will help you cause it's very hard having babies alone.

    Though you want one so bad, you should learn what it's like then you can decide.

    No matter how much you want one, you are not ready. and It's not bad that you work with children but it's bad that you're REALLY desperate to have one of your own.

  15. Yes, it's normal.  But no, don't do it. Just because you spend time around kids doesn't mean you're even CLOSE to being ready for a baby.  What would your parents think?  Are you in a relationship?  How are you going to pay for a baby? How are you going to finish school and get a job?  Don't be stupid.

  16. It's definitely normal to have that urge, but it doesn't mean you should act on it. A lot changes from the time you're 14 to the time you're 21. I've known my boyfriend since I was 15 (I'm 20 now, he's 19) When we first started dating, we both wanted to get married and start a family as soon as we could afford it. I was an English tutor for elementary and middle school aged children, and I adored my students. Working with those kids made me eager and excited to start a family. Once we got older and started working retail, however, we both came to the conclusion that neither of us liked kids that much. Two years later and both of us still harbors a strong dislike for children. I am aware that we may change again in the next five years and who knows, maybe we'll both change our minds and decide to have children after all (maybe not with each other, because a lot changes, but you get the picture.) But that fluctuation of opinions and feelings that occurs when you're trying to find out who you are as a person is precisely why you need to grow up a bit before you bring a child into the world.

    And owning two dogs and two cats does not compare to the burden of child rearing. I raised a litter of kittens from infancy and that didn't even compare to the 10 days I had to spend in Italy with a bratty 5 year-old.(Raising the kittens was no pic-nic all the time, but I'd gladly take that over the brat.) Oh, and you may say you hate partying now, but that might change too. I didn't think I'd ever be the partying type when I was your age. I was an honor's student, completely focused on my grades. But at 20, I am drunk off my *** as I type this. Not even kidding you. I had about four drinks and I'm a lightweight, lol. The college environment just invites experimentation of all sorts. And do you honest-to-God think your friends are going to choose to babysit for you over going to their Prom or to an all-night LAN party (or whatever your friends do for fun, fill in the blanks here?) Dream on, kiddo.

  17. Find a hobby.  It;s not easy raising a rug rat especially when u aren't far from one urself.  May God be with you!!!!
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