
Is this bad vision for a 13 year old??

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My right eye is -3.75 and my left is -3.25. I wear contacts,they are O2 Optix,and I don't like them. They are blurry and dry alot. But I need new contacts,and I think my eye sight is worse that what that prescription is up is that bad?




  1. Well, it is uncommon but there are others with that too. If you can't recognize any places or people without any sort of contacts or glasses the nthat is bad. But if you're like me and just can't read from a distance but everything is only a little fuzzy after a foot or two then you're fine. If you want to stop you're eyes from getting worse that quickly then I would suggest that you not use the computer or tv that much. If you're like my sister, who uses contacts then its bad. Her vision is so bad she has trouble picking up things. Her contacts work fine for her. If you want better contacts then switch to a different company, don't just stick with O2 Optix.

  2. Get ACCUVUE OASIS. They are always wet and feel really nice.

  3. switch to acuve mois if you want to see with out getting dry eyes

    and for your eyesight its worse then mine but its not as bad as itcould be

  4. I'm not quite sure what you mean by bad.  If you mean 'is this a high prescription' then my answer is yes it is.  But its not necessarily bad and theres not to much you can do about it.  Just try to reduce eye strain - i.e. don't spend to long on the computer or watching tv.  Sit as far away as possible, wear contacts only when necessary if your finding they dry out your eyes and make sure your cleaning them properly (this is key!!!).  Also address these concerns with your optometrist as I'm no expert!

  5. If your eyes are drying out, the best thing to do is get new contacts. Go to your eye doctor and talk to him/her about this. -3.75 is NOT bad at all. Everyone's eyes are different, if your parents have glasses you have a better chance of getting glasses. If your parents don't you still have a chance, however it is slimer.

  6. ive tried a lot of different brands of contacts and i find that acuvue 2 are the most comfortable to wear.  (oasis are ok too, but they cost almost twice as much as the regular acuvue 2)

  7. Actually, that is my EXACT prescription...weird!!

    I was originally prescribed O2 Optix and HATED THEM.  The doctor then prescribed me Ultra Flex II, which were better, but were dry. I was constantly using my contact re-wetter.   I am now in Acuvue Oasys and looooove them.  Not only do they have a water mark on the contact so you have no problem figuring out what side the contact goes up, they have more moisture ( I have used my re-wetter probably once or twice since getting these contacts.  My bottle is still full from purchasing it back in Nov. 07).

    Even though Acuvue Oasys cost more than the Acuvue 2, it feels so much better to me.

    The cheapest place that I have found to sell contacts is Sam's Club.  Most optical departments don't require  a membership card to shop there.

  8. Bad but not too bad there are many who have much worse and astigmatism to boot. If your RX is over one year I would have it redone. If not contact your Dr and discuss dry eye syndrome.He can also see if the contacts are off. also be sure not to over wear them and make sure you clean them well before putting them into to your eyes. also that they are right side out and looks like a taco.

  9. Yes... If your eyes are that bad and your contacts are irritating you, get another pair.

  10. acuvue 2 or oasis

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