
Is this bag safe to prevent pick pockets?

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I'm going to Mardrid and I'm going to take a bag which you put over your head and it sits on one shoulder but across your body.

See picture, its like this.

It has a zip, and I will keep it with me all the time. I rarely loose things because I keep a close eye on my belongings.

I'm taking about 75E but I'm really worried that someone might take it off my shoulder and run off. I can't afford to loose money.

Is there lots of pick pockets in Mardrid?

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  1. Firstly, I wouldnt take a bag that ya can see into, coz that will attract em, and I dont imagine u would like people to see tampons and stuff. Secondly, I think u could probably rip that in a second like the bag that oranges come in.

  2. If you carry a bag that goes over your head just make sure you carry it in front of you and not on your side or back. Also never put important things in outside pockets that are easy for someone else to access. Also never have all of your money in one place in your bag and don't show how much you have. That is what I do, and I travel a lot, including having been to Madrid and have never had a issue with pickpockets or muggers. Also always stay aware of your surroundings and the people around you. Sometimes being in big groups can actually make you more of a target because everyone is focused on the place and each other that they aren't staying alert.

  3. A pick pocket is what the name says a bag picker is a mugger

  4. Of course not.

    A determined pickpocket just cuts the strap of a bag and walks off in the crowd, while the accomplice gets in your way to stop you giving chase.

    You need a body belt or similar worn inside your clothes.

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