
Is this bass and amp set up any good?

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I just need it for practice and for some once in a while small gigs is this pair any good?:




  1. As far as I know, Dean basses aren't that great - they look cool, but the sound quality isn't so good (just like BC Rich basses)

    Here's a list of good starter basses:

    Squier Affinity P Bass

    Squier Affinity J Bass

    Squier Vintage Modified Precision/Jazz Bass

    Peavey Millenium

    Peavey Milestone 5

    Yamaha RBX170

    Ibanez GAXB

    Ibanez GSR200

    Warwick Rockbass Streamer Standard

    OLP MM2

    Washburn XB100

    Also, 20 Watts will be fine for a practice amp, but probably not enough for gigs (unless it has a line-out you can use to connect to the PA system) - you won't be able to compete with a drummer, much less one or two guitarists. For gigs, you should aim for at least 100 Watts (around 3 times your guitarist's wattage is a good ratio). If you can plug your amp into the PA system though, don't worry about it. And if you're more looking for a portable practice amp, that's fine too.

  2. That looks like a great beginners set up! Go for it!

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