
Is this because of anxiety or something else?

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Since school began (Wednesday) I've been suffering from terrible stomach pains, I'm assuming gas pains because I've had loose stool and I've been... well, gassy. It comes randomly during school and before school and its not until I'm home that I usually feel better. However, yesterday I had the same problem... and it was Friday evening, so now I'm thinking its not school anxiety related. The pains come sometimes before or after eating, so it's completely random. And now, it seems everytime I eat, I get some sort of weird stomach condition. This morning I had oatmeal (bland, right?) and I got horrible heartburn. I'm not sure what to think of all this. It's never happened before... anyone have any idea? I could really use the help... thank you!




  1. Sometimes even with loose stools you can still be constipated.Also nerves can cause a lot of things.The oatmeal is good,lots of fiber.Heartburn is a whole other ball game.Have you been drinking a lot of coffee or spicy food? I would check with the doctor if it keeps up.You may have something serious.  

  2. Sounds to me like you are having anxiety about school. I suffer from anxiety, and when i get nervous i have the same symptoms as you described. The fact that you feel better after school is a good indicator of the problem. The only way to ease the symptoms is to try to do whatever you can to not feel so anxious, or if it gets really bad, i would suggest a trip to the doctor to make sure that's what it is. They have medicine that helps anxiety if you feel you need it. Good luck and try to relax :-)

  3. Just a suggestion, but try a day when you stay away from wheat based products.  Bread, Pasta, Wheat cereals.

    See if it makes a difference.  You might be slightly allergic to a food

    product.  Wheat and dairy products are two very common culprits.

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