
Is this being fair to him?

by  |  earlier

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I've had this friend that we were friends b4 we started having s*x in Jan and we hang out with my other other roommates and stuff and he only calls around or after 9 lately over the past week its been after 10 only and i have schoo so i have to get up at 630 and be in bed by around 11 which the time he insist on texting me asking to come over so i havent seen him in like two weeks most of the time when we talk its over texts unless hes at my place. He knows i want to be in a relationship with him because i talked to him about it a few months ago but he told me that he doesn't want to date anybody right now . Up uptill now i've been fine with it but i want to be in a relationship with somebody. Mind you, this guy never calls just to hang out with me outside my house or take me out anywhere and all the times ive asked him out aside to go c 21 and Forbidden Kingdom hes had plans or hes busy or **** like that and those two movies were the only time we went on "dates" if u can even call them that since were not dating. Tomorrow im going on a blind date with a guy and my friend and her boyfriend so its going to be like a double/blind date. Last night he asked me if i had i had school Firday i told him no but i have a blind date that night with somebody thats (friends name). And it seemed like he was upset like i was cheating on him in some way. So i told him "I asked you if u wanted to be with me and u said no u didnt want to be with anybody right now so why are u upset? Did u expect me to wait around for u untill u felt like dating ppl?" was i being a b@%ch to him or just not being a pushover?




  1. Its totally fair to him. He had his chance and he didn't take it... its his loss. Good Luck on that date! ;)

  2. Okay here's how I see it. I, being a man, see it as in he just wants the s*x. He feels comfortable when he knows he can get s*x from you. But seein as now you are gettin tired of being a s*x toy you want to move on to someone that doesn't only want s*x. Well you did a great job when you told him how you felt. That's the first step. Now what you have to do is keep it that way. When you go on your blind date, and you happen to like this guy your goin on it with, try him out. No your not being a cheater or what ever you are simply testing the waters. And no you weren't being a ***** when you said, "I asked you if u wanted to be with me and u said no u didnt want to be with anybody right now so why are u upset? Did u expect me to wait around for u untill u felt like dating ppl?" Her I'll answer that question for you. " No you don't have to wait for him to decide if he wants a relationship or not. Your still young so go out and have fun and find your Prince Charming." Well good luck and hope things work out for you.

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