
Is this better punctuation?

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Saturday morning

by Cynthia S.

"Morning has broken"

gray, moldy

sky crazed, cracked

broken by lightening.

a roar of pain

presaging rain.




  1. 1) I like the poem.

    2) Better than what?


    As Verse hath no sentence

    so it doth need no marks,

    and if you markest it proper

    I will beg your repentance,

    for Verse hath no sentence

  2. Excellent punctuation.  Visual and powerful poem with no wasted words.

  3. Punctuating your Saturday mornings I see.  Wonderful things these periods and commas, colons and dashes and others.  c**p just never sounds the same without the !  Whatever!  This is still a very fine poem!  lol

  4. yes of course

  5. Some of these suggestions may just be my own style choices. I think the punctuation is mostly fine.

    I don't think you need the quotes in line one. You may want to add a comma after "moldy". You may want to add a colon after "lightening".

    That's it.

  6. I know it's a little picky, but I found that I preferred to read it like this!

    Morning has broken!

    gray, moldy

    sky crazed, cracked

    broken by lightening.

    A roar of pain

    presaging rain.

    I felt a little more stress on the first line gave a sense of link to to a further concept, which then added a slight sense of irony to the whole theme!

    I found it quite profound, there is a lot of great interpretation involved.

    Very nice piece of art.

    Thank you

  7. After 'moldy'...a comma or a '...'

    After 'lightning.' 'a' should be capitalized.

    I'm done now....good morning!

  8. Very good .... much better...

    Keep it up...practise makes perfect...

    Chaos and confusion...I've created....

    My work here is done....

    Have a good day !!!!


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