
Is this bipolar ???????????

by Guest65933  |  earlier

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Im 19 years old and i think my boyfriend of a year might be bipolar. Ive noticed it alot recently one minute hes super happy n then next hes all grumpy. Yesterday we went to a concert and i had the directions and i was reading them too him n i put them down for 2 seconds cuz i had just told him where to go and he was like thanks babe and literally 30 seconds later he was like omg holly wtf you have to be looking where were going & freaking i actually started laughing cause i thought he was joking and when he wasnt it scared me to think hes mood could change like that. He sometimes also goes from being mad at me to nearly crying with apology for raising his voice. Hes not abusive or anything but im just wondering is he just really moody or is this a disorder???

he also falls alseep everywhere, movie theater, & even at the wheel before! i dont kno if that has anything to do with it?




  1. Sounds like bipolar disorder to me, but that doesn't mean he's a bad guy, he sounds really nice when he isn't in one of those moods. Stick with him if it isn't that bad but leave him if it gets worse, it's not that bad, in fact did you know that bipolar disorder runs in Ben Stiller's family?

    If you really think you are prepared for it and you really love each other then there's nothing wrong with staying together.

    Best of luck!


  2. There could be a few causes, he could be bipolar, be psychotic, paranoid, lack of sleep, or in rare cases lymse disease

  3. I believe bisexual is the term

  4. Well it could be just hormones. Guys keep developing until they're 21. But if it happens quite frequently he could be bipolar.

  5. yes it is...his mind is distinguishing many moods and feelings at the same time and random times....its absolutely the case and he should get help

  6. It could possibly be a bi-polar thing my best friend is like that when he doesnt take his meds, or he blacks out. maybe google ummm... medical conditionsor somethin that might lead you somewhere. Are you sure that he's not drinking or doing anyhting else? The only reason Im bringing that up is because I myself used to act just like that when I had been drinking alot or not had anything to drink seeing as I used to drink all the time and depriving my body of that drug I was used to made me act irrationally. Wait why am I devulging my deep dark secrets to you a total stranger??? LOL just tryin to help I guess, hope this helps God Bless, Ray

  7. It's some sort of chemical imbalance.

    Could be environmental.  Depends on his home life and what kind of stress he experiences.

    He may be using you as a punching bag, venting his frustrations that stem from other areas in his life.

  8. He might be bipolar.  He definately needs to get evaluated by a psychiatrist.

  9. he would have to be diagnosed by a sounds alot like depression or bi-polar,but then again its hard to know without proper diagnosis.goodluck sweety!!!

  10. I myself have bipolar and it does not sound like bipolar, although I am female and they say it's different in males.  He needs to seek medical help.  If he refuses you can get advice from your own doctor. People on here can only give opinions from personal experience. So this is my thought. It sounds more like a mood disorder, or personality disorder. To be sure though, like I said, try talking to him. Just make sure it's when he is calm and in a good mood. If you approach him when he's having a down mood, it could make things worse.

    Good luck.

  11. Definately bipolar.

    & that might lead to physical abuse be careful

  12. Yes he is more than likely bipolar my boyfriend is the same way. It is something you need to talk to him about but never be afraid because there are treatments for it. My boyfriend gets mean with me which sometimes makes me feel upset and angry but if you talk to him about it and try to understand what he is going through then you will surely get along better and with more understanding. Another thing, does he sometimes get extremely hyper out of nowhere?

  13. He certainly has anger management issues, but I'm not so sure he's bipolar.  Does he become manic?  Not sleeping and behaving irrationally, like calling you totally ecstatic at 4am and then totally withdraw and not want to talk with anyone?  I dated a bipolar man for a while, and it's not really about changing moods in minutes, it's about going from one extreme to the other over a stretch of time.  In any event, he needs to learn how to handle anger.  Apologizing after the fact will wear thin after a while.

  14. The sleep thing might be sleep apnea. That normally is where the person doesn't get a good rest at night and is very tired during the day. He may seem like he is getting rest because you can't wake him up, but in some cases he may be holding his breath while he sleeps for a long time and that's why he's not resting well, not enough oxygen. That may also lead to the attitude problem. He's tired. But the mood swings sounds like a case of bipolar and if not that then something else. From the way he yells at you I if you are intent on staying with him watch your self. He may claim to never hit you, but in many cases the anger takes over and accidents happen and then they will be more frequent and less of accidents, though he cries and says he's sorry, he will lack the self control he needs. Anger works in weird ways in people's lives. Stress from something unknown to either of you could be another possible explanation for all three problems.

  15. Is there a possibility he could be using drugs? I had a boyfriend like that and I didn't know he used until six months after we broke up...and we were together for a year and a half! You may want to talk to him about it, and possibly ask him the reason for the mood swings. Just tell him to feel comfortable to be open and honest with you about everything so that he will feel okay about opening up.

  16. You cant be sure without talking to him about it and seeing a doctor. The symptoms you described could very well be a disorder but those arent enough facts to make any kind of diagnoses. I suggest that you do indeed find out what it is for certain. Its no way to live.

  17. I do not no much about bi polar but here are some links:


  19. Yeha it might be.

    i would go check a doctor or something.

    good luckk sweetieee(:

  20. not this is bipolar

  21. to tell you the truth i don`t know either and good luck to you

  22. If he falls asleep anywhere I would consider a sleep problem before a mental illness. Lack of sleep can cause changes to personality and cause irritation, lack of patience, confusion etc..... No one here can diagnose bipolar via internet....... get him to see his dr about the sleep thing and if the moods don't improve go from there.....

  23. i think he mau be bipolar to even depressed. Try to urge him to go to the doctor. falling asleep like that is serious.

    i wish i could say more but thats it.

    hes prbly bipolar and maybe evn depressed.

  24. I have had manic-depression for 15 years, and I tell you, this is NOT bipolar. We don't switch emotional states from minute to minute or hour to hour- very seldom even day to day. A depression or mania comes and stays for weeks or months, then there is a rational period of months, years- then the cycle begins again. Generally from a manic high of superior abilities, sexual inappropriateness, spending money we don't have, not behaving correctly in social situations and sometimes. psychosis. Then we degrade into irritability and anger and further down to mind-numbing depression where we only sleep, don't eat, cry and sometimes become suicidal.

    For some reason everyone thinks if you change your mood in an hour you must be bipolar. EVERYONE has moods, and moody days. Bipolar moods happen for no reason and stick around, getting worse and worse. You don't go to bed in a rage and feel happy in the morning.

    The sleepiness is probably caused by sleep apnea, it's very common. It happens mostly to men. They snore, then hold their breath for 3 -5 seconds, and this interrupts their sleep cycle as they start breathing again. So, they are probably getting the equivalent of 3-5 hours sleep. It needs a doctor's attention. Narcolepsy is also possible, but much rarer. It's a disease where people can't control where they fall asleep.

    He may have some issues that need to be addressed, but I don't believe he's bipolar.

  25. could be drug related but im sure you would know. Has he been under alot of stress? Why dont you talk to him and try to give him a relaxing evening. When i get stressed im the same way. ask him what you can do to help him out in his time of need.  

  26. Could be Hypoglycemia

    Neuroglycopenic manifestations

    Abnormal mentation, impaired judgement

    Nonspecific dysphoria, anxiety, moodiness, depression, crying

    Negativism, irritability, belligerence, combativeness, rage

    Personality change, emotional lability

    Fatigue, weakness, apathy, lethargy, daydreaming, sleep

    Confusion, amnesia, dizziness, delirium

    Staring, "glassy" look, blurred vision, double vision

    Automatic behavior, also known as automatism

    Difficulty speaking, slurred speech

    Ataxia, incoordination, sometimes mistaken for "drunkenness"

    Focal or general motor deficit, paralysis, hemiparesis

    Paresthesia, headache

    Stupor, coma, abnormal breathing

    Generalized or focal seizures

    Not all of the above manifestations occur in every case of hypoglycemia.

  27. I don't think so if hed be bipolar hed be literally throwing stuff at you. So, I think not, unless a very very mild case.

  28. go to doctor with him

  29. Sounds like he could just be really grumby, and has a anger problem. Maybe he needs some anger management classes. Not to sure if that sounds like bi-polar BC lot's of guys can get like that sometimes, but thats just how there mood swings are. So I wouldn't stay with him if I were you, the problem can worsen as he gets older. Be smart, and you shouldn't ever let anyone talk like that you.

  30. He could be bipolar? Symptoms associated with bipolar mania are;

    *Severe mood swings



    *A 'high' off a happy feeling

    *Excitement in speak, racing thoughts, switching from one topic to another

    *Increased energy

    *Can't concentrate well

    Maybe you should ask him to see a doctor.

  31. you should bring him to a psychologist

    it might be sleep deprivation

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