
Is this bit "illegal"?

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If i were to ride my horse in a 4-H western trail class or just on an open show, could i use a the Original Wonder Bit..(its a gag bit)? or is it "illegal"?




  1. IN my area it can only be used for training. Try a twisted snaffle, I used a double twist D-ring and it worked great.

  2. Some open show judges might allow a wonder bit. 4-H will not allow it. Try switching to a tom thumb. It still has a broken mouthpiece and the leverage from the shank for a decent stop. If your horse is under 5yrs old, you can used a snaffle. If you are already using a wonder bit, a snaffle may not have enough stop for your horse. Reinsman makes an awesome pinchless tom thumb that works well as a transitition bit. You may have to try a couple different bits before you find the right one.

  3. is this some kind of sick horse-p**n question?

  4. gag bits are not bits your sapost to show in open or 4-H... you should try a strong regular bit and if yo show the open circit... you could probualy do it... I mean.. I had to show a Show Horse in a gag for a season... but its done... I dont know about 4h... check you show rule book or the open show rules.. im sure they wount say nothing.... as long as it looks natural... if you know what i mean.. But i dont know cus i dont show the western circit good luck

  5. in 4-h it is, or circuit shows, the gag bit is only used for work, softening the horse's mouth, etc. you should work your horse in it, if your horse is a junior (5& under)you could show in a snaffle, not twisted, and it has to be all the same type of metal throughout the mouthpeice.

                          good luck!!!!
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