
Is this bit too harsh for my horse?

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The stable where I'm going to half-lease a horse at has my horse in this I feel like she needs it but still..

any help, thanks!




  1. If you feel like she needs the bit and she works well in it, keep her in it.  It doesnt look like too harsh of a bit, and if you ride with a light hand it won't be harsh on the horse.  Also you could try riding double reins.

  2. If you're skilled in using double reins, this bit can be as mild or severe as you make it.  The snaffle rings allow you to only engage that portion of the mouthpiece which has very mild action.  The curb function can remain inactive as you choose.

  3. This bit isnt too harsh at all, you have nothing to worry about.

    See how thick, and obviously rubbery it is? the thinner the bit the more harsh on the horses mouth. this shouldnt do damage on the horses mouth if you use it properly :)

  4. It really depends on the horse, if she needs it then keep using it. Have you tried any gentler bits?

  5. I dont think this bit is terribly harsh on it own. Bad hands will make any bit harsh though.

    If she goes well in it then why change

  6. if you know how to use the bit and how it works then it shouldnt be too harsh.  

  7. My suggestion is that if your half leasing a horse i would ride her in teh same bit the owner of teh horse is useing. I mean the horse is probably ust to it and it will save you from haveing to go buy a $50-$100 bit

  8. I personally LOVE curb chains. They work really well and they don't apply TOO MUCH pressure. That Bit looks very soft. Don't worry. If she works well in it, and she accepts it when you put it in, they don't change. Looks nice. :]

  9. no that isnt a hash bit but wat i find that works for a horse that has a hard mouth is the twisted wire bits you can by them from your saddelry they arnt harsh all they are is a realy thin bit and they seem to work on horse with hard mouths but its you decission hope this is a help to you

  10. well if it depends all on the horse.

    for the eggbutt if she was trowing her head before she took off running she could have fliped the bit and caused it to not work

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