
Is this bothering anyone else in reptiles?

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Alright, I spend most of my time in Reptiles and I've been noticing something that's really getting to me. If you spend time here too I'm sure you've noticed it, it's kinda hard to miss. A certain answerer is pasting their answer in questions. This wouldn't bother me if the answer wasn't ridiculously long and usually only 10% of the actual answer fits the question. When I finally took the time to read this answer I realized that it doesn't even make sense, it's full of misspellings and nonexistent words. The poster justifies their answer with an excuse and explanation of why it's pasted, but I don't feel it does any good. Do we really think the asker want to read all of that, especially when it doesn't pertain to the question? I know we can't do anything about it, it doesn't violate anything. I have noticed that the person has been accumulating thumbs downs though. And I'm not doing this to be mean to them. But I'm wondering, is it bothering anyone else as much as it's bothering me? TY




  1. People do that on a regular basis. I ignore it, although many of the posters need it, as they are apparently too lazy or stupid to search for the info themselves.

    It doesn't irritate me nearly as much as the fact that the overwhelming majority of the answers that people post are incorrect or just plain stupid, and that most of the questions posted could be found in the most BASIC herp books, or by doing simple searches.

    As far as advancement of herp knowledge, yahoo answers does more harm than good!

  2. Rather than cutting and pasting an entire caresheet, I think it helps if we post our favorite web sites so people can go check them out themeselves.  What I've noticed is that if someone asks a certain question, they usually need a lot more info on caring for the animal in general anyway!

  3. DITTO

  4. I don't know if this is the same person but I have noticed an answerer in many sections of pets that's keeps copying and pasting answers. Its very annoying and i don't feel its right for this answerer to take credit for just copying and pasting words from websites and so on. I have checked this answered answers using Google and many come copied and pasted from websites and its bugging me very much.

  5. I'm glad someone else feels the same way; It's really starting to annoy me.

  6. i havent noticed the particular one you are talking about but I did noticed someone else pasting the same answer for every ball python question

  7. I've noticed it.  if me and you are talking about the same person, I recintly learned the person has arthritus. "dont think  I spelt that right,"    it makes it hard to type and write. anyway so I am NOT mad at that person, at all.  but if you are talking about someone else. I haven't noticed it.

  8. i do it to some degree...people ask the same question over and over and over again...instead of doing a web search on "feeding my ball python" or "ball python having a bad shed" where they could get the answer...they ask these questions.  i have answers that i copy and past in because i dont want to type the same stuff over and over again.  my answers are short and concise usually.  now i do read the answers that have been given and if appropiate advice has been given i don't answer that question.  but if people have given bad or even sometimes harmful advice i do answer the question...the most common questions aksed over and over are "my snake hasn't eaten in 3 weeks what do i do?"  "my snake is shedding in pieces what do i do?"  "my snake got lost what do i do?"  i figure giving the people advice is better than telling them to do their own research.

  9. i spend most of my time here too...i guess i must have missed it though???..wanna inform a little more? ;)  One thing i have noticed is that people sometimes answer questions they have no business answering..all for the points...there shouldnt even be a point system...

    and theres alot of haters and kids with nothing better to do so do what i do...

    block 'em!

  10. what i dont understand is why people ask stupid questions like are snakes reptiles  questions like that are just pointless and something that a 12 year old should already know  

    seems to be alot of questions like that on this site.  or people that reply with things like i hate snakes kill it.  they know nothing about the question but just post for those stupid points, its kind of funny though that someone would waste that much time to get points that mean nothing.  

    maybe the forums should have some moderators to delete those kind of comments   like most other fourms have.

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