This boy put vaseline in his dad's gas gauge because he's mad @ him. What's gonna happen to this man's car? I'm not sure if it's called a gas gauge, but it's the part where you put gasoline in the car. I forgot what it's called. Brain freeze because I'm so shocked about this.
Anyway, this 16-yr. old boy got mad @ his dad for something. I don't know. 1 of my friend's coworkers came & told us about it. & the dad said, "Since you wanna be so smart alec (sp.), you take YOUR money from your check you got paid with & go put gas in my car!"
So, the boy took his dad's car & took it ALL THE WAY to Dollar Tree to go get cheap Vaseline (petroleum jelly), & put it in the car & just left the car be, because he was afraid the car might blow up or break down on him or something, so he took the bus back home. Then, he lied to his dad, saying someone stole the car. & he went bragging & laughing to his friends about putting the vaseline in the gas gauge, or whatever.
Word spreads around small towns VERY fast! But the guy who came & told us was DYING laughing. I don't think it's funny. It's SAD! What precaution would you take if your teen did this to your car? & the man's car is like 3 yrs. old. The boy suffers ADHD & Bipolar & has behavior disorder & a learning disability.