
Is this bull what there saying?

by  |  earlier

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They said even if i hit the deer and there client hit me that there client still wouldn't be at fault?




  1. Get ahold of a lawyer. I know in michigan you the driver can stop in the middle of the road, and if a car behind you, hits you, they are at fault, because they didn't have control of their car, that even works in the case of you hitting a deer, they didn't have their car undercontrol and was following to close.  

  2. If your car was hit from behind, it is their client's fault.

    Talk to your insurance agency about options.

  3. it goes under comprehensive insurance.  it's nobody's fault.

    also where you use the word "there", replace that with "their"

  4. You need to explain this better before anyone can give you a sensible answer.

      If someone hit you for nearly any reason, including you trying to avoid hitting a deer  it seems to me they would be at fault.

    "They are saying".  "Their" client....

  5. Not enough detail.  If their client hit you from behind, it's his fault.  He is responsible for his following distance; if in striking an animal you had to jam on the brakes to try to avoid it, and he struck you from behind, then he was negligently close, too close to be able to react.  That's called tailgating, and he could have been cited for it.

    If the strike was from in front, we'd have to know lots more to be able to give a better answer.

  6. Yes they will call it your fault.  Did you swerve to try and miss a deer?  cause in most states even if you swerve to miss an animal and cause an accident it is still your fault.  Your only take here is if the person who hit you was following you too closely and you can try to fight it through your insurance and say that they hit you because they were tailgaiting.  I was in an accident where a girl pulled out infront of me.  I slammed on my brakes and still clipped her rearend.  The police report stated that even though she pulled out infront of my it was my fault because i rear ended her.  I took it to court and fought it and it was her fault.  I got all claims reversed and my insurance went back down.  it is work talking to a traffic lawyer about might be a bit pricey, but worth not having the points and higher insurance.

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