
Is this bullying or immaturity?

by  |  earlier

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I work in a car dealership I am 19, the only female and only just out of high school last year, all my male co-workers are older than me and as of late I've noticed everytime I walk into the workshop one or two of them say a word that bullies labelled me with when I was at school, and even though I don't react to it they laugh about it.




  1. just tell them i  dont care what you say  yall are *******

  2. that is very immature, men are usually like that for some reason. ignore them for now but if it continues talk to your surpervisor about it or even let those idiots know how you feel about the whole thing. it could also be that you area woman and young do not let them get to you. whatever happens id like on update on it. take care.

  3. Thats messed up. Tell em that bothers you. However, its hard to judge whether its bullying or immaturity without knowing what their calling you.

  4. who cares, lighten up.

  5. i think that its both!

  6. Immaturity.   All guys are immature.  Personally I wouldn't take that c**p.  I would go to their face and tell them to shut up

  7. two or 3 of the people in the holden dealership are extremly immature like mr andrew making noise next to us in our unit and playing loud music and getting drunk all the time and stumbling home late at nite waking everyone up i hope he gets fired his level of maturety is very low and i dont like him he would probably be the main one responsibile for picking on you baby girl

  8. It must be hard for you to be working in a clearly male dominated work-place. Good for you! I admire your courage and determination, especially by the fact that you don't react to what they say.

    I don't really know what advice to give you but perhaps if it is getting out of hand, to go and tell your boss/supervisor that it is happening. I mean, you accepted the position trusting that you would be treated equally and fairly, and that clearly isn't happening. You shouldn't get fired as a result - if you do, that isn't right and you have the right to complain. But, once your boss knows what's happening, he should be able to put a stop to it; he's the real one in charge, not your co-workers.

    Continue to ignore them, or perhaps one day just look at them, maybe laugh, and ask them why they even bother trying to upset you, or bully you, because it plainly doesn't work. Stand up to them, let them know that you aren't affected by them and perhaps threaten to tell the boss.

    Anyway, this is both; I mean, isn't all bullying immaturity? It is bullying, because they are labelling you and calling you names, and it has to stop. Good luck!

    Hope this helps!!


  9. both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wut r they 5 or something?

  10. Go talk to your boss,tell him you don't like it and that you would like it to stop immediately,if that does not work report it to labor form of bullying is allowed in the workplace or name calling.

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