
Is this bumper sticker illegal in Canada? ?

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I've got it on my car, but I'm driving to Canada soon, and I just realized that Canada doesn't have a First Amendment. I'm sure Canada has some provisions for free speech but I don't know if this type of thing would be covered by it.




  1. Is the "first amendment" the one that allows the US to torture Innocent Canadian citizens or the one that allows your government to listen in on phone calls without Judicial approval?

  2. Why would you want to put this on your car?  To me, that's almost like an open invitation to any of their supporters to start a fight.  Also. remember that there are children riding in cars behind you and this really is not something I want want to hear my kids read aloud. Would you (especially if your mother-in-law was in the car with you)?

  3. You should be fine, but I suggest you don't use it. People who have kids would get pissed off big time.

  4. Someone said Canada does not have a Constitution. This is wrong. We most certainly DO have a Constitution. An important part of that Constitution covers freedom of speech and is called the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Legally, a good lawyer could probably come up with a good argument for why you should not be allowed. Realistically, we are not suit happy people and probably would not go the law suit road..

    About your bumper sticker itself - I personally think it is hilarious and I have seen much worse for language and political sentiments. However most Canadians are much more conservative (small c) than that and many would not appreciate the language even if they approve the sentiment. Also a political statement about a foreign country attached to your car is in bad taste and unless you are sporting American license plates it might not be appreciated. As you can see above, the language in it is already getting you some negative answers with good reason. Kids pick up on stuff like that very readily and it is hard enough to teach them respect without others making it harder.

    Discretion being the better part of valour, I would not put it on my car no matter how funny I thought it was. What I am saying is, it would probably be best if you didn't tempt fate by putting it on your car.  

  5. No, we do not have a "first amendment" as we do not have a "constitution". We have the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We also have free speech, as long as it is not slanderous against an individual, or promote hate/violence against a specific group, just as it should be. No one is going to give your sticker a second thought here. Although, I am not sure about American customs officers. I got pulled into secondary inspection once due to bullet hole stickers on my jalopy. Enjoy your trip.  

  6. Yes you can drive in canada with that sticker. People will probably

    ask you where they can buy one!

  7. Canada does not really care about U.S. politics or  Bush or his unpopularity.  It does not matter how you feel or what your bumper says about him or  his Vice will be fine.  

  8. That we don't have a "first amendment" does not mean we live in an oppressive dictatorship. According to

    "2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

        a) freedom of conscience and religion;

        b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

        c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

        d) freedom of association. "

    Note, however, that one's right to freedom of expression does not allow slander, libel or the promotion of hatred against an identifiable group. Bear in mind, too, that Canadians do not care about American politicians as much as Americans tend to believe. Besides, it's kinda funny...

  9. You should be fine.  Some Canucks might even give a friendly honk and a token wave.

    You would have a much harder time if you had the glittery US flag with a "Support Our Troops" underneath.  There have been reports of US vehicles with that type of sentiment being vandalized. I'm not saying i condone any type of vandalsim -- I'm just saying it's been known to occassionally happen (and then end up on CNN as a hate crime).

  10. People might find it bad mannered in another country.

  11. You are right, Canada doesn't have built in right to freedom of speech.

    You should be OK with that bumper sticker. However, if you had one that said that had a threatening saying to a religious or ethnic group you could be arrested.

    Google Canadian hate speech laws. There speech is limited, no matter what any Canuck on YA tells you.


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