
Is this cage big enough for 3 guinea pigs?

by  |  earlier

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we have 2 already and seem fine being in it. is it big enough for 3?

one of our guinea pigs is 9 mos and was a runt so wont grow anymore. will all be females.

We took out the ramps.




  1. yeah sure

  2. Yes I think so but still watch the cage carefully if they start looking squished get another cage.

  3. Yes, I believe it is plenty big. I would still make sure to let them get out for a little bit everyday.

  4. I think it is a perfect size since they don'tt run around too much. Anyways it'll keep all of themaccompaniedd in one cage.

  5. Sorry - this cage barely meets the minimum requirements for one piggie - let alone three!

    Three female guinea pigs need at least 10.5 sq feet of floor space. Preferably 13 sq feet or even bigger if possible.

    It needs to be big enough to provide enough hideys (eg plastic igloos) plus some toys, eg tunnels, cardboard boxes etc and still have enough space left over for the pigs to run laps and popcorn.

    I would suggest a c+c cage - they are really easy to make and far cheaper than that cage!

    Please don't underestimate the importance of proper housing. It is well known that keeping animals in too small cages causes all sorts of health and welfare problems.

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