
Is this cage okay for 2 or 3 mice??

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Heres the link:

Please tell me if i would have to buy a new wheel! Also does anyone have any advice for a new mouse owner!




  1. I think that that cage would be fine for 2-3 mice. (2 would be best) . Mice like hiding places, and lots and lots of bedding. (Fluffy stuff they can bury themselves in.) Also, try a salt wheel... it helps with their teeth.

    Good luck!

  2. That cage would be fine for 3 mice as long as the wires are close enough together, i cant tell from the pic.  As far as mice fighting, it rarely happens other then putting 2 males together that have not been housed together from birth.  Sometime those will fight too when they are adults, but is less common.  So if you want 2 or 3 mice but not to breed, get only females.  If you do want to breed them, make sure it is only one male, not 2 males and a female.  Sometimes you get a tempramental female that will fight (usually if she doesnt want to breed and a male she is housed with does).  Mice are actually fine in quite small spaces.

  3. Yes looks fine, for 2. it has a deep bottom so they shouldn't spill the bedding yet has the sides that they can climb, they love to climb!

    I would not buy another will because would be to cramped, instead look in the bird section they have little toys that you attach to the top of the cage, you now little pieces of cord with wood, the mice will have fun with that!

    I've always preferred the cages you can attach tubes to it, so the cage is "always growing". Mice are very curious little creatures so from time to time I would buy a new attachments, so they could explore........they are also creatures of habit they don't like when you mess with their little nests.

    I use to have mice, 2 girls, one gave birth to 11 i had a lot of mice for a while.

    when giving them treats make a sound (I used to blow kisses)  so they associate the sound with food, and would come out whenever they hear the sound! Interact a lot with them so they became more comfortable with you, and have fun with them!

  4. That's way too small for 2 or 3 mice for sure. I don't even know how much room they need and I already know that that cage is too small. Go for a cheap tank or make a bin cage.

  5. I think yes.

    You know,mice are fast and love to run around so that is good for one mouse because 2 or 3 mice,Cramped!!!

  6. yes

  7. on the site that i searched

    it says that the cage can hold 3.3 mice so it would be perfect but..... it is always better to go bigger....

  8. if i were you, i would go a little bigger. they're stuck in the cage all day, it might as well be big.

    my only advice is not to bother them too much - they'll keep each other entertained. :] but if you do want to play with them, do it at night, when they're active.

  9. Yes, it's plenty big as long as the mice aren't HUGE!!!  

    I don't think you would need to buy a new wheel.  One's enough.

    Mice are fairly easy to take care of....  and tons of fun to play with.  Just feed them right, and give them lots of shavings to burrow in.  

    Have fun!!

  10. It looks a bit small to me.  

    More importantly though it is designed for syrian hamsters so the bars will be too widely spaced for tiny mice - they could escape.  You need other a plastic sided cage (with good ventilation) or a wire cage designed for mice or dwarf hamsters.

  11. That cage is fine for one mouse, but for two or three I would go a little bigger. Although there are many mice in the cages at the store, they are still young so tend not to fight.

  12. i would probably get something slightly bigger

  13. I can remember when i was about 5 having mice,(good times, good times!)  and i think we had 2 or 3 in a cage about that size. Um,, i dont see why you would need a new wheel, but you may want to ask petsmart about the size and wheel, to get their opinion.

    Advice: DONT LET THEM OUT!!! (they will crawl under things!!!!) if you have a cat,, dont let it get to close!!=D

  14. it looks really good for 2 or 3 mice but, make sure they dont get out thorugh the bars. Because that will happen. Mice cab squeeze through little things so ask a pet store worker they help alot

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