
Is this called reverse slavery?

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What do you call it when racist black descendants of slaves

deliberately order other people around and treat them

like slaves?

I've seen racist blacks do this to many different ethnic

groups, including whites, Asians, and others. It's despicable

of course, and I'm sure MLK would be rolling in his grave

if he saw how stupidly racist some blacks have become,

which ruins their prospects in America.




  1. O.K.  Omorris

    Well off black people often bought other slaves in order to get them out of the torturous hands of slave owners who would beat nd rape and over work their slaves.  Some slave owners bought back family members and friends of relatives in order to free them and send them up north.

    As for the original question asked:

    If you work for someone else, no matter their color, you will be ordered around.

    Secondly, the actions of a few will not ruin the majority!  if that were the case, Caucasians would still be in the old world under British rule, and African Americans would still be Africans, and Asian Americans would still be in Asia.

  2. Reverse slavery? Reverse racism? Ridiculous terms. To say that it is reverse is to imply that slavery and racism are entirely perpetrated by whites, solely and originally. Racism and slavery are blanket terms with any race being capable of using them.

    There are and always have been racists of every race. It is incredibly narrow minded to pinpoint one race, especially a race that half a century ago was segregated by whites.  Have you stopped to think of the social impact that would have on the mentality of blacks and whites alike? Things have not changed so much.

  3. Good Facts Omorris!

    I also read somewhere that over 80% of the slaves brought to the US were actualy prisoners of other tribes. They weren't rounded up and hunted down, they were purchased from other blacks.

    I always wondered how a ship of 20 men could capture 300 slaves?

  4. I've experienced this.  I worked my way through college and upon graduating I was able to get this crappy job with a biotech. company.  There was this team leader - B.S., black, tall, overweight- who singled me out bc I was the tall white shy girl.  It didn't matter that I had an open mind and was even serious about a Eurasian.  He and  his group of minorities hazed me on a daily basis.  My self-esteem was at a minimum. They put me on the worst projects and kept me there.  I was finally saved by moving to a different team with an Asian PhD (by the way who couldn't stand my boyfriend bc she was right that he was misleading me) and she was very very sweet.  It was horrible but it was a stepping stone to a much better life where I now find myself.  This country is full of stupid bigots - expecially many of the rich Berkely types who think just bc you are poor and white that you deserve this treatment.  In actuality who was it that enslaved the blacks?  Racisim and horrible deeds are committed by all races only our media focuses on those committed by whites due to the fact that our media is run by the same types whose families are really guilty of the slavery issues.  Really do you think it was poor whites who owned the boats who picked up the slaves?  Really their hearts are as golden as their daddies' pocketbooks.

  5. I would just call it being a bigot.  In my experience, the great majority of whites are not seriously bigoted.  I don't think that applies to every other race or even the US government which is far too interested in Race.

  6. You know something really crazy?....

    There were large numbers of free African Americans that  owned slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slave holding states.

    In the rare instances when the ownership of slaves by free African Americans were acknowledged in the history books, justification centers on the claim that black slave masters were simply individuals who purchased the freedom of a spouse or child from a white slaveholder and had been unable to legally manumit them. Although this did indeed happen at times, it is a misrepresentation of the majority of instances, one which is debunked by records of the period on African Americans who owned slaves.

    In fact, in 1830 a fourth of the free ***** slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight owning 30 or more.

    Extremely twisted!!!

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