
Is this car worth it?

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  1. test drive it make sure you like it. 20000 is a little too high. remember it is mark up for dealer. price can come down 17000-18000 that's if you have financing preapproved let them include in price the warranty, these are extra gimmicks don't  pay any extra. i know use to work in many dealerships  and saw the inner workings. auction to trade in. don't be fooled make sure they have title also. you don't need two loans on same vehicle. i seen it done before.

  2. You can do a price comparison with the same models at eBay. You can see the selection of the 2007 Toyota Camry SE by following the link below.

    Hope that helps

  3. No. I will just tell you from a car enthusiasts perspective, even though the Camry's one of the top selling cars in the US, it is not a good car. It suffers transmission problems, numb steering, a squishy brake pedal, and a bland design. Sure the SE makes everything a little more sporty, this does not change the car enough to make it a winner. There is only two reasons this car is a top seller; 1) In 2007, there was practically no competition. The Honda Accord was outdated and in the process of a remodel, and the Chevrolet Malibu was virtually invisible. The only competition was the small Hyundai Sonata, and the sportier Nissan Altima. The Second reason was that most car shoppers are lazy. Most people tend to dread car shopping and buy the car from the first dealer they stop at. People trusted the Toyota Name Plate and decided to go for it.

    When it comes down to price, this car is priced quite well. I would estimate the original price to be around $25,000-$27,000. Due to the fact the Camry has a good resale value, it is not going to loose much money with almost 30,000 Miles. With this said, I do believe you can negotiate a couple hundred off the car. It may not be much, but what do you have to loose?

    I researched and found links to cars that beat the Camry in a similar price range near the location of this car.

    ~Best of Luck~

    Adam D.

    This Accord is really a bargain. it has a better transmission, navigation system, less miles, practically fully loaded, for only $3,000 More.

    I know, it cost more and has a couple thousand more miles, but this price is completely negotiable. This car offers a pretty good driving experience for the price.

    It has barely any miles! It is worth a look. Saturn has really rebuilt themselves into a good company over the past years. It may be worth giving the underdog company a chance.

  4. nice ride id buy it
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