
Is this cat arrogant? Short video attached?

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Is he just arrogant or clueless? Does he really still not know his name after 9 years?




  1. Cats often have selective hearing- my cat will only 'hear' his name when he wants food or attention, and he's eight.


    In the video, the poor cat is asleep and you- or someone else- is yelling its name in its face. No wonder it's ignoring you! You know your name, but you wouldn't want or reply to someone yelling it in your face, when you're asleep.

  2. ALL cats are arrogant !  That's why they say that 'dogs have masters'  but ......... 'Cats have staff' !  

    A dog will come when you call him,  a cat will take a memo and get back to you.... maybe !

    Did you know that thousands of years ago cats were worshiped as gods?

    Cats have never forgotten this !

    But aren't cats the most wonderful pets ?  

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