
Is this cell phone number correct for boston ?001 617 6032648138? ?

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l am in czech republic now i am texting a friend living in boston.i couldnt send message




  1. The 617 is the Boston area code and the 603 is the New Hampshire one. You can't have both in there at the same time. If it is really in Boston dump the 603.

  2. The above poster is incorrect. 617 is the MA area code, and 603 is the start of a cell phone, with the cell phone provider of Sprint.  However, after that you should only have 4 digits. So you have 3 too many, but the beginning is correct.  

  3. You have 3 too many digits - 001 is the USA country code, 617 is for Boston area - one of your other sets of digits is too many.

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