
Is this ceremony appropriate?

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I wrote our ceremony for our wedding since we have a daughter and want to incorporate her into it also. I need HONEST opinions. Would u please tell me what you think.

Family and Friends

We have gathered here today at the request of the couple to bear witness to the exchange of vows as they become a family.

Marriage is something that is not to be entered into lightly. It is a promise to care for and provide for your new family. It is a time to leave the care of your parents and begin and new and unfamiliar life with your new family. A life that can hold both triumphs and failures, laughter and tears, sorrows and love, to be endured together.

Jordan and Andrea have announced their desire to come together today and enter the sacred commitment known as marriage, Uniting them into a bond with Shelby.

Who gives this woman to be married to this man today?

Her mother and I

We do not give our children life,

Our lives are reborn through out children.

Genes do not have to shared to be a hero.

Families are built on love, trust and happiness.

Sometimes we are born to parents,

But often Parents are born to us through love.

True love is shown through a cuddle at night,

A family hug, or the smile that seeing a loved one happy brings.

That, at the end of the day...or a long sleepless night,

is how love really works.


Jordan, do you wish to take Andrea as your wife?

Andrea, do you wish to take Jordan and your husband?

I Jordan Taylor take you Andrea to be my wife, my friend, my lover and the mother of my children. Loving what I know about you, and trusting what I will learn. Growing with you each and everyday, and strengthen our family. Standing by your side in sickness and in health, in times of plenty and in times of want, through triumph and tragedy. Forsaking all others to only be with you as long as we both shall live.

I Jordan Taylor, not only promise to care for you as my wife, but vow to be a loving and caring father to Shelby. I promise to provide for her needs and wants, and always be there for her, whatever life my bring. I want to share in the joy of watching her grow each and everyday, seeing the person she will become, and loving her more every step of the way.

I Andrea, take you Jordan to be my husband, my friend, my lover and the father of my children. Loving what I know about you, and trusting what I will learn. Growing with you each and everyday, and strengthen our family. Standing by your side in sickness and in health, in times of plenty and in times of want, through triumph and tragedy. Forsaking all others to only be with you as long as we both shall live.

I want to thank you for the father that you have become. You are the world to Shelby and me and will always be. We are so happy to be the family that you have chosen for this life.

The wedding rings are a visible symbol of the vows and commitments made here today. They are made of precious metals, as true love is a precious thing. The ring is a never-ending circle to represent a never ending love between this family.

Jordan, will you now take Andrea’s left hand and repeat these words

With this ring I the wed.

Andrea, will you now take Jordan’s left hand and repeat these words

With this ring I the wed.

The couple will present a ring to Shelby as a symbol of their unity as a family.

The unity candle ceremony symbolizes the combining of two souls and lives into one. The two outward candles were lit by the mothers of the bride and groom, to symbolize each individual being.

Jordan and Andrea will now combine the two flames to light the center candle, representing the two individuals becoming one.




  1. I love EVERYTHING but the first few lines..

    "We have gathered here today at the request of the couple to bear witness to the exchange of vows as they become a family."

    So because you are not married means you are not a family? That was just the first thing I thought when I read that! If YOU are fine with it all and YOU like it though, then go for it.

  2. This is so beautiful I actually cried when I read it!

  3. I like your re-phrased beginning line. You are already a family.

    I hope you are going to have your daughter present the rings to the both of you since that will make it just the more perfect and it is a perfect symbolism of it representing the never ending love of your family.  

  4. Well i dont agree with changing it..even though you three already feel like a family, by the eyes of the law and your family and friends you want to officially become a family and have them witness it...I dont think you need to re word that part at all ;)

    The only part I would change is where it starts off "you are the world to shelby and me and always will be" maybe you should re word it to along the lines of "you mean the world to me and Shelby, and always will"

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