
Is this check i got real or not?

by  |  earlier

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I received a check for $4,077.47 and i wanna know is it the real deal cause i deposit something thats gonna scam me?so is it?




  1. If you got a check from someone you don't know from out of nowhere, then obviously it is fake.

  2. if u dont know who itsfrom then i say its not lagit i get them things in the mail all the time and usually u have to subscribe and b in the draw to win or possibly it could b someone scamming for ur details wat else came with it wat did it say ask the bank they would most likely know

    u can only dream some generous person would randomly send u money

  3. Check with the bank on the bottom of the check.  Also check with your bank before you deposit it.  They can find out if it is real or not in case someone is trying to scam you. If you deposit it and it is fake, you'll be the one out of $4,077.47 not the scammers.  They will have your money and disappear.

  4. well where did you get it from?

  5. Here are the steps to see if it's real.

    1. Check the name

    2. See if it came from a real bank

    3. Try to look up in the phone book

         if all these are true, then it's real!

    if you are really sure it's fake then trwow it away! PS. If you do throw it away you could be missing out on $4,077,47! Good Luck! Hope this helps!

  6. Your Question makes no sense!

  7. Take it to your bank and ask them to verify the check.  If it is a scam, it should be reported.

  8. What kind of check?  From who?  More than likely it is a scam.  I work in the check cashing industries and there are a lot of scams out there.

  9. open an account and cash it find out the easy way

  10. If you receive a check you did not ask for, did not work for, or otherwise did not solicit, AND it is not part of an inheritance, it is most likely a scam.  If you cash it, the issuing agency or company will consider it a loan and will demand you pay it back - with interest.  And the interest invariably is much higher than ordinary loans...

  11. If you don't know where it came from, then yeah, it's a scam

  12. It is most likely fake. If you know who or where it is from it may be real, but that is unlikely. If you want to know for sure so you don't go and waste  $4,000 is take it to your bank and ask them if it is a counterfeit. I would not cash it because then the bank will request the money back. hope this helps.

  13. On the back, where you endorse the check, are there words that would indicate you are entering into an agreement of some type by cashing that check?  Go ahead and take it to the bank, have them look at it, and tell you what they think.  They will be able to tell you if it is a scam.

  14. It may be a real check, but if you have that kind of money coming to you, you are gonna know the who, what, why, when and where's of it. If you deposit it, you may be getting yourself into something that will not be easy to get out of. Read all the fine print!

  15. check with the bank to make shure

    but if u look like a ayyyhole not my problem

  16. If $4077.47 came out of nowhere, DO NOT try to cash it.

    Doesn't matter, real or fake, don't cash it.

    $4077.47 real check would probably tie you into some agreement(s) that you'd end up paying back with interest, and charges.

    $4077.47 fake, well, you can't cash it anyway, avoid being humiliated by the bank.

  17. it is fake

    i get them every week

    i goet one yesterday for 10,000,000 lol

  18. Need more details. Where/who is it from? Did you read any fine print on the back of the check or the letter (if any) that accompanied it. More than likely, it's a scam. Steer clear of it. It'll save you a lot of finanical headaches later.

  19. If it just came out of the blue and you didn't sell something to get that amount, it is fake. You can bring it to your bank and have them look at it,I WOULDN"T cash it.  

  20. If you have no reason to have the cheque and you just received it, then I would be careful. Maybe you should take it to the bank to see whether it's genuine. If it's fraud then you could get accused of trying to scam the bank.  

  21. Look on the back and see does it have a seal, like one where you just rub your finger across to see if it is real, or a watermark, where you hold it up to the light and see seal.

  22. You know dang well it's not real, or you wouldn't be on here asking.  Don't be silly, of course it's a scam.  Did you earn 4,077.47?  Well than no, it's not real.  How do people still fall for this stuff?    

  23. Possibly where's it from?

  24. who did it come from? and why did you get it? believe me, people aren't just handing out free money :) i wish!

    i would definitely take it to the bank, explain your situation and let them know what's up... otherwise you could be in a world of hurt later.... they will be able to help you... and if they do cash it for you, they will at least know your situation in case problems arise..... and then hopefully you will be covered....

    hope this helps.... :)

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