
Is this child abuse and if it’s not, why not?

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The young boy has drawn, in his third-grade class, a global warming timeline that is his equivalent of a mushroom cloud.

"That's the Earth now," the 9-year-old says, pointing to a dark shape at the bottom. "And then," he says, tracing the progressively lighter stripes across the page, "it's just starting to fade away." Alex Hendel of Arlington County is talking about the end of life on our beleaguered planet, about how convinced he is that his parents are killing him. Looking up to make sure his mother is following along, he taps the final stripe, which is so sparsely dotted it is almost invisible. "In 20 years," he pronounces, "there's no oxygen." Then, to dramatize the point, he collapses, "dead," to the floor.




  1. Sounds like he could be his generation's John Conner.  Somebody has to provide leadership when the adult children raising them don't.

  2. How else do you get the ostriches to pull their heads out of the sand?

    How many of you know of incentives & encouragement from leaders on the important subjects of Saving water (Tanks) & growing your own Food?

    The global warming, (NWOrder Al Gore is trying to sell) is but another Global (but dangerous) hoax.

    There are natural cycles...But within all is AMERICA, deliberately sabotaging the weather with technology (Look up IE. HAARP, GWEN TOWERS) to convince the world to allow their military to OWN THE WEATHER

    around the world, so they can use it as a weapon against humans. Population control.

    Just in poor countries....Think again.

    This food (& Water) shortage is manipulated by extreme abnormal weathers & more, Chemtrails are killing species required for growing food etc.

    If they want us to believe they are worried they would be racing to inventions that in the past they have killed inventors (to hide their works or convinced the public these people are stupid etc.)

    Free Energy has existed since the 1800s & has been rediscovered 2x recently by 2 Irishmen & an Australian.

    NEVER have we needed to pollute with petroleum vehicle products.

    Nor do we need to use food to run cars.

    These are an exercise in stupidity & population reduction.

    The biggest problem for most is believing their leaders could be so weak....& so EVIL that they would risk everything to get their own way.

    Theres a big need to wake up & find your power & strength within.

    Condemning them wont help, this just encourages more evil.

    We need to pour enlightenment & harmony into them & bless them to their perfect place (wherever that might be, by their choice, by their works)

    Reaping as they have sown.

    Condemnation is NEGATIVE & makes us negative so this puts us on the same level.

    Evil cannot bear light & harmony.

  3. This is what you get when you hand your kids over to the custody of the state for six hours a day.  Political indoctrination, parental alienation and conditioning for life with no freedom.  Public schools are no longer centres of learning, they're prisons for kids.

  4. what????

  5. NO- it's not his mom's fault that the world is going through a warming stage that has been going on for millions and millions of years---- global warming is not NEW! it is a cycle. and right now, it is a cycle.

  6. just talk to parents

  7. This is simply not enough information to opine either way on the subject of child abuse.  Child Protective Services could not investigate on such a minor thing, there needs to be much more information than this to go on.

  8. I brought this point up a few weeks ago...  These alarmists have no idea the damage they are causing.  They are as bad as David Koresh, Jim Jones and every other nut case out there.  Before long, there will be global warming cults committing mass suicide in protest of something that simply isn't happening....  It is utterly pathetic!

  9. what

  10. If two children play cops and robbers or cowboys and indians and one shouts "BANG!" and the other drops to the floor, is that child abuse as well?  

    The situations are exactly the same.  The child is making a visual representation of his memes.

  11. Yes it could be. Why would you want to condition your child to think nothing but doom is in his future, I sometimes think libs shouldn't be allowed to procreate.

  12. If it is then we're all being abused

  13. Hmmmm...I'm not sure about abuse, but unfortunately it is common that schools will push their beliefs on the children and in this case their fanaticism. It is very important to listen to your children so that you can re-educate them when they get home at night. My children have had several fanatical teachers over the years. My daughter came home a few days ago worried that the polar pears are going extinct because of global warming. You will often see entire class rooms leaning to one side or the other on issues according to the teacher's view. I really wish the teachers would leave their opinions at home and just teach fact. It is fine to teach the theory of global warming, but they need to leave out the extreme scare tactics.

  14. I don`t see how this child is abusing his parents

    he is trying to get a message across that adults should pull up their socks ,

    and behave more responsible with our planet

    Good for him

    Full marks for Alex

    well done.

    Kids are  a great medium to get through to hard headed parents

  15. Yes! My third grade son told his teacher she was full of c**p when she went on a global warming tirade. I got a call from school and as a result she will not be mentioning global warming to her class anymore!

    We as parents can and must say something when the teachers overstep their boundaries.

    Do not stand for it when teachers inject their ideology into your children.

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