
Is this child abuse???

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I was in blockbuster today and an Indian family (straight off the boat- theres a lot in my city) were in there with their four kids yelling to each other acting loud and crazy. He never told them to quiet down they were being rude and when people were starting to stare at them, his way of disciplining them was to slap them on the face. he slapped the kid right in front of everone, the child didnt cry but still. should i have done something?




  1. It's going to get to the point that you can't even speak harshly to your children. If you seen the man spank his child would you still be posting this question? How would you have handled the situation? My father use to leave bruises all over me and my brother, but my sister is 12 years younger than I and she got away with everything. Today, my brother and I are successful productive adults and my sister is only working part time and her life is a mess. Who do you think got the better deal?

  2. Yes, I would have said something, however I must ask you a question. Why did you think it necessary to say it was an Indian family.  That sounds racist to me, and that is not right, anymore than the day slapping the child in the face.

  3. Different cultures have different standards of disciplining children and anyone can lose it!   However, repeating the blows on a child especially to the head would require me to intervene.

  4. OMG poor kids! Call the cops next time thats so rude! You should get their plate numbers and call the cops next time!

  5. yea it is ur not allowed to hit ur kids at all my mom is a social worker she said that is abuse  

  6. yes its against the law to hit your kids like that.

  7. I would say, yes. If that's what they do in PUBLIC, I wonder what goes on behind closed doors . . .

  8. Stop and think. Do you think this is the first time he has done this? NO. His kids have been slapped since I don't know when, and they still are alive and continue to act like kids. A slap to the face is stinging, but not injurious. I wouldn't recommend it. There are other ways of dealing with problem children such as his. Should you have done something? NO, not as long as the child was not injured. I was slapped by my dad at age 12 for losing $150 from my pocket on the way home, in 1965. It stung, but my inner feelings were hurt worse. Lesson learned and never forgetten.

  9. I tell you that my brother is a cop and he would have arrested them on the spot!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, that is abuse!  For no reason do you slap a child across the face.  I would have asked the cashier to call them in to social services or ask for their info so i could do it myself.  I will never tolerate a child being hit.  Good for you for asking, it makes people even more aware.  

  10. I do consider that abuse--hitting a child is wrong--the kid probably didnt cry because he/she is used to it--which is ashame--any foreigners who are here right off the boat should be reported and kicked out of our country until they can come in legally, which half of them wouldnt be allowed in anyways

  11. I am not sure if that is child abuse. Probably not, because a lot of parents slap their child once in a while. It really depends how old the child was, and how hard he was slapped. I also don't think that was as big of a deal to report. So no, you shouldn't have done anything unless the child was seriously injured and the parent wasn't doing anything. It had nothing to do with you, although it is very kind of you to be concerned.  

  12. its wrong, but, i would say you arent going to be able to stop them, if you go up and lecture them or yell at them you are just gonna p**s them off not change the way they parent its sad but true,

  13. i wish people would mind there own business and take care of there own kids. it seems a little harsh, but they certainly are not going to die from it. and they didnt even cry.  and putting there "straight off the boat" children in foster care so they can be done god knows what to is probably worse for them

  14. there is no reason for a child to be struck across the face.

    the guy could've gotten his kid taken away by the police if one was nearby.

    you probably should have reported the guy to CPS.
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